| | Re: LEGO Factory / PaB Pricing Study
(...) Not sure if I'm reading your meaning exactly here, but: 1. Many parts are not available on Bricklink in the quantities required - you end up having to buy from multiple stores, which ends up being just as pricey, especially for people not in (...) (16 years ago, 11-Apr-09, to lugnet.lego, lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands)
| | Re: LEGO Factory / PaB Pricing Study
Now if Ldraw and Bricklink developers would get together this whole issue would be moot. (16 years ago, 9-Apr-09, to lugnet.lego, lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands)
| | Re: LEGO Factory / PaB Pricing Study
(...) -snip- (...) 55 cents a piece? That's what market dominance lets them do: Big Ben's Bricks, BrickArms and Brickforge could never get away with charging that much per piece. Or could they? Richie Dulin CO Legeaux Please consider FUT if replying (16 years ago, 8-Apr-09, to lugnet.lego, lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
| | i'm back!
woot! hehehe (16 years ago, 12-Mar-09, to lugnet.off-topic.test)
| | Re: Lego dealer closing down, clearnce sale
(...) I don understand, but my reasons for doing so: I was adviced to do so. Reason why I was adviced so: trade/sale/buy group is not really active, but the posting belong there. So that is posted correctly. But, those, who might be is not reading (...) (16 years ago, 9-Mar-09, to lugnet.off-topic.debate)
| | Re: Lego dealer closing down, clearnce sale
(...) May I ask you to please stop spamming all the groups with this? One message was more than enough, and the ones who might be interested have seen it. Thanks for understanding. Regards, Matija (16 years ago, 8-Mar-09, to lugnet.general, lugnet.off-topic.debate)
| | Re: test 6 # 5436546546787544
Hello (16 years ago, 28-Feb-09, to lugnet.off-topic.test.foo)
| | test messge
Hello World (16 years ago, 28-Feb-09, to lugnet.off-topic.test.foo)
| | Mega Bloks Vignette
Ye Olde Armourer [IMG](URL) more pics visit the Bloks Forum: (URL) for looking! Mike (16 years ago, 28-Feb-09, to lugnet.off-topic.fun)
| | LEGO WEAR for adults?
I saw this great LEGO WEAR jacket but it only fits a 5-6 year old. (URL) wish I could get one that fits an adult. :) (16 years ago, 28-Feb-09, to lugnet.off-topic.fun)
| | Read no further - doh!
Testing ... (16 years ago, 24-Feb-09, to lugnet.off-topic.test)
| | Re: Do you think there are too many Lego® groups on Flickr?
(...) It's just a turn of phrase. Richie Dulin CO Legeaux (16 years ago, 20-Feb-09, to lugnet.off-topic.debate, FTX)
| | Re: Do you think there are too many Lego® groups on Flickr?
(...) Not gone, I don't think, but not all that active anymore. DaveE (16 years ago, 19-Feb-09, to lugnet.off-topic.debate, FTX)
| | Re: Do you think there are too many Lego® groups on Flickr?
(...) I hear that he's an active overseer at Wikipedia now. (16 years ago, 19-Feb-09, to lugnet.off-topic.debate, FTX)
| | Re: Do you think there are too many Lego® groups on Flickr?
(...) And at least one of the .o-t curators seems to be long gone, but I could be wrong. Richie Dulin CO Legeaux (16 years ago, 18-Feb-09, to lugnet.off-topic.debate, FTX)
| | Re: Do you think there are too many Lego® groups on Flickr?
(...) I wasn't sure that anybody actually reads o-t.d anymore. (16 years ago, 18-Feb-09, to lugnet.off-topic.debate, FTX)
| | Re: Do you think there are too many Lego® groups on Flickr?
(...) A good question, CM Bob. There certainly seems to be a lot of them these days, some of which seem to have a narrow focus (there's even one called 'LEGO® Complaining'!). At the moment I cope with the huge number of LEGO groups by the simple (...) (16 years ago, 18-Feb-09, to lugnet.off-topic.debate, FTX)
| | Re: New Mega blok Gundam
(...) This excellent news could only be made better by an announcement that these kits would be widely available outside of Asia! Though I understand that licensing issues are at work, it's maddening that such cool sets should be isolated to one (...) (16 years ago, 15-Feb-09, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
| | New Mega blok Gundam
RX-78 Gundam - 3000 yen (URL) Zeta Gundam - 5500 yen (URL) Expansion pack A - 1800 yen (URL) (16 years ago, 10-Feb-09, to lugnet.build.mecha, lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
| | Mega Brands gets rights to HALO wars
Disussion (URL) here>. A big thank you to (URL) Bloks Forum> member Eilif for the initial heads up. Dave! (16 years ago, 7-Feb-09, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)