On Tue, 25 May 1999 03:29:57 GMT, "Janet Zorn" <lighthouse@bonzai.net>
> Well, it just goes to show ya,
> I never expected to SW lego on sale so soon (KMart 15% off, Ames 20%
> off). And that is a sale exclusive to SW lego! (For a much better
> price I'd move some of that other stuff for them just for the pieces.)
> The fact that the slow moving Lego is not going on sale while the SW
> sets are lends some support to my theory that the agreement with Lucas
> includes a provision to limit sales on non-SW Lego so as not to
> canibalize. Also notice the non-existent S@H Specials since EP1 sets
> came out.
Or it means that stores realize the current hot products are SW-licensed,
and they are using sales to compete for buyers of those products.
It's the same idea as running sales before Christmas -- get the buyers when
they are ready to spend.
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: Star Wars Only Sales
| (...) Yup. A maintenance guy asked me yesterday if I had any of the new SW Lego stuff. (He previously left me a note and asked if I worked for Lego <g>) I said yes, that it was pretty cool. He said, "Yeah, I haven't had any Legos since I was a kid, (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.market.shopping, lugnet.market.theory)
Message is in Reply To:
| | Star Wars Only Sales
| Well, it just goes to show ya, I never expected to SW lego on sale so soon (KMart 15% off, Ames 20% off). And that is a sale exclusive to SW lego! (For a much better price I'd move some of that other stuff for them just for the pieces.) The fact (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.market.shopping, lugnet.market.theory)
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