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Re: Star Wars Only Sales
Tue, 25 May 1999 12:38:19 GMT
26 times
On Tue, 25 May 1999 03:29:57 GMT, "Janet Zorn" <>

Well, it just goes to show ya,

I never expected to SW lego on sale so soon (KMart 15% off, Ames 20%
off). And that is a sale exclusive to SW lego! (For a much better
price I'd move some of that other stuff for them just for the pieces.)

The fact that the slow moving Lego is not going on sale while the SW
sets are lends some support to my theory that the agreement with Lucas
includes a provision to limit sales on non-SW Lego so as not to
canibalize. Also notice the non-existent S@H Specials since EP1 sets
came out.

Or it means that stores realize the current hot products are SW-licensed,
and they are using sales to compete for buyers of those products.

It's the same idea as running sales before Christmas -- get the buyers when
they are ready to spend.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Star Wars Only Sales
(...) Yup. A maintenance guy asked me yesterday if I had any of the new SW Lego stuff. (He previously left me a note and asked if I worked for Lego <g>) I said yes, that it was pretty cool. He said, "Yeah, I haven't had any Legos since I was a kid, (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Star Wars Only Sales
Well, it just goes to show ya, I never expected to SW lego on sale so soon (KMart 15% off, Ames 20% off). And that is a sale exclusive to SW lego! (For a much better price I'd move some of that other stuff for them just for the pieces.) The fact (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to,

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