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Re: Another eBay Info Auction
Fri, 5 Nov 1999 06:09:48 GMT
27 times
Simple answer to this one - Larry needs to auction off the info, 1000 lots,
at $.01 each plus Ebay fees ;-)

Patricia Schempp wrote:

Well if you take a look at the auction, at this time all but one of the
bidders has retracted their bids.  YEAH!

I still do not get the part where you can't tell people information fo free,
but you can sell the same information.  Must be because if you sell it, Ebay
gets money.  If you tell them, Ebay gets no money.  Still crass in my

Patricia Schempp

Tom Stangl
***DSM Visual FAQ home
***SF Bay Area DSMs

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Another eBay Info Auction
(...) I'd LOVE to see him do this just to see what happens. Patricia schempp (25 years ago, 5-Nov-99, to,

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  Re: Another eBay Info Auction
Well if you take a look at the auction, at this time all but one of the bidders has retracted their bids. YEAH! I still do not get the part where you can't tell people information fo free, but you can sell the same information. Must be because if (...) (25 years ago, 5-Nov-99, to,

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