Re: 'Will ship to United States only - Oi!
Mon, 29 Jan 2001 04:24:08 GMT
1332 times
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In, Kyle D. Jackson writes:
> And I've checked..., the USPS have all the same tables/calculators
> on-line as well. So I see no reason for people in the USA to
> say shipping to international is "too hard" or whatever.
Yeah, they're online. And they're also not 100% clear on what exactly
pushes a package from some cheap rate into a more expensive one. Say
whatever you want but you've just looked at them online. I've looked at
them online, told someone to send me $x.xx for shipping based on my
interpretation of the online tables, only to have some postal clerk decide
it had to go a different rate at the post office - costing me sometimes
double in shipping.
So you can "see no reason" if you want - but there are reasons, and the
actual trouble of dealing with international shipping happens to be one of
the smaller reasons for me - at least the trouble of consulting different
tables/calculators. Then there is the trouble of maintaining separate
inventories of boxes and tape and labels (since the USPS gives me ones for
Priority Mail for free). Then there would be the trouble of waiting for
international payment - or being forced to upgrade to a premier Paypal
account to accept Paypal CC payments from international customers. The
trouble of filling out forms. Yeah, maybe it only takes a minute or so -
that's a minute I don't have to spend filling out a form if I sell to
someone in Michigan or California.
Lots of different kinds of trouble. From what I've seen from the Canadian
sellers you'd be foolish to restrict your selling to your country - you guys
just don't account for much of the buying power. From what I've seen in my
own experiences, selling internationally for a few years then deciding not
to anymore, I'm not taking that big a hit, and for the hit I am taking, I'm
willing to accept it to avoid all the "trouble".
> But again, everybody is free to do whatever they want :]
Yep. Everybody tries to do what's right for them. For me, reaching my
fairly decent sized group of regular (and regularly growing group of
first-time) buyers is good enough. I could probably add up all the
international sales I made over a few year period and they wouldn't add up
to as much as I've sold to a half dozen or so regular American buyers (and
that's not even counting Larry just to be fair). I'm pretty satisfied
serving my limited market - since it is probably larger than all the others
combined. :)
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