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Re: 'Will ship to United States only - Oi!
lugnet.general, lugnet.people
Sat, 27 Jan 2001 20:16:50 GMT
866 times
"Ronan Webb" <> wrote in message
I'm fed up with this on ebay/brickbay.

What is it with you people ? Is your postal service that unsafe ?
Or are just (backward) children in a play-pen? Duh !
Grow up. You're not that fr*%^n central to the cosmos.
Each time I see 'Will ship to United States only'' ...

The interesting thing is, that whilst many of the replies to this have
defended the USA postal service (words like 'Guaranteed'), it is
disappointing that they do not seem to support any registered/recorded mail
services coming in from overseas.

I have shipped lego to several countries that support registered mail that
ensures the reciever signs for it, and I get a tracking number from the UK
post office that enables me to follow its progress. This is for standard
registered mail, not some expensive courier service. Except I cant do this
when sending to the USA.

I cant confess to knowing that every country except the USA supports this,
but it is interesting that the USA is singled out on the UK post office web
site as the one country that doesnt.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 'Will ship to United States only - Oi!
Odd...just today I received a registered letter from Japan, and have in the past from other countries as well (Estonia comes to mind, off hand). Had to go to the post office and sign for it since I'm not home when they deliver. I know that the USPS (...) (24 years ago, 27-Jan-01, to lugnet.general, lugnet.people)

Message is in Reply To:
  'Will ship to United States only - Oi!
I'm fed up with this on ebay/brickbay. What is it with you people ? Is your postal service that unsafe ? Or are just (backward) children in a play-pen? Duh ! Grow up. You're not that fr*%^n central to the cosmos. Each time I see 'Will ship to United (...) (24 years ago, 27-Jan-01, to lugnet.general, lugnet.people)

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