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Re: 'Will ship to United States only - Oi!
Tue, 30 Jan 2001 14:51:23 GMT
2275 times
In lugnet.general, Torsten Fresemann writes:
Hi Alan,

I think you have to differentiate between registered letters and parcels. From
Germany, I can send registered letters and "small parcels under 2kg" to the
USA, however the product "insured parcel", i.e. for shipments over 2kg as well
as those being too large for a "small parcel", cannot be actually sent with
insurance to the USA. I don't know if it's the only country but I suppose it's
the only one of the industrialized ones. In order to actually insure it you
would have to send it as a high-value parcel, incurring extra fees and you have
to mark it with a proprietary seal. Also, high-value letters are also not

   That's odd.  How "high value" is high-value?  I've received
   registered letters from Japan containing a declared US$1000

   As far as over-2kg parcels being signed for, usually another
   shipping company has been used, in my experience.  However
   I have never sent a registered parcel from the USPS of that
   size--the cost is astronomical to do so.

Judging from past experience by myself and other local Lego fans, it seems that
USPS is at fault for long delivery times, as the packages seem to be leaving
Germany fairly quickly (you can phone the post office and ask for the current
status). In fact, a box I sent via surface mail seven weeks ago still has not
arrived. An airmail "small parcel" once took four weeks!

   One never knows fully where the holdup is.  I received two packages
   from Germany in the 8 months--the first took three days (it was a
   payment), the second took two weeks and was a package of about 200g.
   However I have had this sort of thing happen to and from other
   countries as well, and this variance has also held while I have
   not been in the US.  Domestic post is almost always going to be
   more reliable than foreign post--too many ghosts in the machine,
   I suppose.  I have only once ever had a USPS-originated package go
   missing, but that might just as easily have been stolen at the
   point of delivery, as the confirmation code indicated it had been
   delivered.  It does not necessarily follow that the USPS is the
   ogre of inefficiency.

   Oddly a lot of the delays in international shipping have to do with
   dispatch--they sit at the point of departure, having already been
   marked "sent" abroad, or they sit at the point of receipt, having
   not been checked through customs yet.  And sometimes the bizarre
   happens:  I had a letter to South Africa that somehow was so
   totally doused in water that all of the printer ink washed away,
   leaving only greenish smudges behind!  Thankfully I had used a
   ball pen to write the recipient's address and my email address
   on the envelope, or it would have been totally lost.

   However in the Netherlands, I have been getting my mail quickly and
   efficiently from all corners of the world.  All hail PTT Post!  :)



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 'Will ship to United States only - Oi!
Hi Alan, I think you have to differentiate between registered letters and parcels. From Germany, I can send registered letters and "small parcels under 2kg" to the USA, however the product "insured parcel", i.e. for shipments over 2kg as well as (...) (24 years ago, 28-Jan-01, to lugnet.general)

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