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 Marketplace / Theory / 1580
    Re: Beware more SPAM from Andreas Stabno (Was: KC Masterpieces) —Larry Pieniazek
   (...) Well, this is a debatable point, I guess. *Should* you be hostile? Jeremy is, and that's fine for him. I'm not. I don't think you should feel guilty that you're not hostile enough. If you see what I mean. (...) (YCLIU, but... ) Your Mileage (...) (24 years ago, 25-Sep-00, to
        Re: Beware more SPAM from Andreas Stabno (Was: KC Masterpieces) —David Eaton
   (...) Well, it's not that I feel guilty for not feeling hostile... it's that I feel if I concede to these spams, I feel as though I haven't a leg to stand on when disliking other spams. It's the more or less prejudiced opinion that these spams are (...) (24 years ago, 25-Sep-00, to
        Re: Beware more SPAM from Andreas Stabno (Was: KC Masterpieces) —Larry Pieniazek
   (...) I'm in the "mildly dislike opt out of AFOL mailing lists but don't mind it that much" camp so my answer is tainted, I guess. But for me it's not a hard dilemma... I can tell a note from an AFOL from a robot spam pretty easily. Robot SPAM gets (...) (24 years ago, 25-Sep-00, to
        Re: Beware more SPAM from Andreas Stabno (Was: KC Masterpieces) —Christopher L. Weeks
   (...) Not only that, but in your case, you have an open offer to buy "out there." So you would have a weaker claim to outrage than some others, IMHO. Chris (24 years ago, 25-Sep-00, to

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