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Re: Is it OK to use new parts for old sets?
Tue, 22 Feb 2000 02:27:11 GMT
22 times
Kevin Loch wrote:

In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek writes:
It's fine to use new parts if you disclaim it in your listing. An
informed buyer is a happy buyer. It's also fine to use new parts if
you're just rebuilding it for yourself.


Isn't it rare for an old set to have exactly the pieces that came in
the original box?

Right, unless it's shrinkwrapped. But the question is, should it have
pieces that are from the same era? That is, pieces that COULD have been,
but for the luck of the draw, in the box originally?

The most purist among us will admit it's impossible to verify that a
used set has exactly the pieces it left Billund with, but Gary Istok,
for example, could spot anachronistic pieces with not too much trouble.

And I would argue that the most purist among us would in fact want the
set to be reconstructed from correct era pieces. Not me, I don't care, I
just want all the pieces to be there.

By analogy, among car collectors, there is a value hierarchy, highest to

- all original. Serial numbers match "as built" (for things that have
them like engines, trannys etc).
- rebuilt with original (so called NOS or new old stock) parts, numbers
may not match but the correct parts for the year were used.
- rebuilt with repro parts (an effort was made to duplicate as closely
as possible the fit and finish of the parts but they were made more
- rebuilt with random parts (new electronics not possible at the time,
stuff from other vehicles, etc) but still the basic car underneath.
- repro or kit cars (you can buy a car that kind of looks like an MGT
but it's a VW Bug underneath)

It is possible to get 100 points in concours with "rebuilt with repro
parts" but you have to be able to prove that NOS isn't even available
any more.

My 64.5 Mustang convertible, which no longer owns me, was all original
but a basket case in need of major restoration.

My 70 Jaguar E Type 2+2 fixed head coupe, which also no longer owns me,
was, in areas, rebuilt with random parts... The previous owner got 43 in
a concours with it (why bother, I would ask)

My 76 Midget which is rusting away in Grandpa's barn was rebuilt with
repro parts with some NOS. it needs a new tranny right now so who can
say. NOS trannies aren't around any more.

FUT .theory as this is wider than just trains.
Larry Pieniazek - - Mercator, the e-business transformation company
fund Lugnet(tm): ref: lar, 1/2 $$ to lugnet.

Note: this is a family forum!

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Is it OK to use new parts for old sets?
(...) Isn't it rare for an old set to have exactly the pieces that came in the original box? KL (25 years ago, 22-Feb-00, to lugnet.trains)

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