Dude, I have E-mailed you twice, and no responce...thik the mails messed up...
Contact me on teh STF board, I will set up a Negotiation post(FYI, I am
SLIZER LORD) I am so buying a ton of those from you!
BTW, Congrats on teh Wedding maN!
In lugnet.general, Kenneth A. Drumm, Ph.D. writes:
> Well its been a day and no response.
> So let me tell you all about my haul.
> I was able to get 348 Slizers/Throwbots this trip.
> The numbers break down like this:
> They were four for a dollar!!, and I spent about 90 bucks.
> 8506 Rock/Granite 71 of them!, 8505 Jungle/Amazon 20 of them,
> 8504 Judge/Jet 34 of them, 8507 Energy/Electro 32 of them,
> 8500 Fire/Torch 41 of them, 8503 Sub/Scuba 36 of them,
> 8501 Ice/Ski 57 of them, 8502 City/Turbo 33 of them,
> 8522 Spark 13 of them, 8521 Flare 12 of them.
> If anyone does decide to contact me, be my guest. Do note however my wedding
> is
> this Saturday and I wont be responding to e-mail till Monday and I wont be
> taking my
> laptop with me.
> --
> Kenneth A. Drumm Ph.D.
> "Kenneth A. Drumm Ph.D." <arcanamachi@netNOSPAMzero.net> wrote in message
> news:GCps3t.Lop@lugnet.com...
> > Andrew Eade please contact me at arcanamachi@netNOSPAMzero.net about
> > Amazon/Jungle and Jet/Judge Throwbot/Slizer sets. I found 200+ at a dollar
> > store near where I live and wanted to know if you still need any.
> > P.S. Imp going for them all anyway so its no problem either way.
> > Remove NOSPAM to respond.
> > --
> > Kenneth A. Drumm Ph.D.
> >
> >
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