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Re: Slizers/Throwbots for a dollar! (Was: Andrew Eade)
lugnet.general,,, lugnet.technic.slizer
Fri, 4 May 2001 03:05:22 GMT
14 times
Dude, I have E-mailed you twice, and no responce...thik the mails messed up...
Contact me on teh STF board, I will set up a Negotiation post(FYI, I am
SLIZER LORD) I am so buying a ton of those from you!

BTW, Congrats on teh Wedding maN!

In lugnet.general, Kenneth A. Drumm, Ph.D. writes:
Well its been a day and no response.
So let me tell you all about my haul.
I was able to get 348 Slizers/Throwbots this trip.
The numbers break down like this:
They were four for a dollar!!, and I spent about 90 bucks.
8506 Rock/Granite 71 of them!, 8505 Jungle/Amazon 20 of them,
8504 Judge/Jet 34 of them, 8507 Energy/Electro 32 of them,
8500 Fire/Torch 41 of them, 8503 Sub/Scuba 36 of them,
8501 Ice/Ski 57 of them, 8502 City/Turbo 33 of them,
8522 Spark 13 of them, 8521 Flare 12 of them.
If anyone does decide to contact me, be my guest. Do note however my wedding
this Saturday and I wont be responding to e-mail till Monday and I wont be
taking my
laptop with me.
Kenneth A. Drumm Ph.D.

"Kenneth A. Drumm Ph.D." <> wrote in message
Andrew Eade please contact me at about
Amazon/Jungle and Jet/Judge Throwbot/Slizer sets. I found 200+ at a dollar
store near where I live and wanted to know if you still need any.
P.S. Imp going for them all anyway so its no problem either way.
Remove NOSPAM to respond.
Kenneth A. Drumm Ph.D.

Message is in Reply To:
  Slizers/Throwbots for a dollar! (Was: Andrew Eade)
Well its been a day and no response. So let me tell you all about my haul. I was able to get 348 Slizers/Throwbots this trip. The numbers break down like this: They were four for a dollar!!, and I spent about 90 bucks. 8506 Rock/Granite 71 of them!, (...) (24 years ago, 4-May-01, to lugnet.general,,, lugnet.technic.slizer)

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