Re: Some older somewhat hard to find sets found in Revere MA
Tue, 7 Sep 1999 21:00:01 GMT
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The Doctor What wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 03, 1999 at 01:15:08AM +0000, Eric Kingsley wrote:
> > I don't know how many of you would be interested in this but I found a number
> > of sets that are becoming hard to find at the Revere MA (Pronounced Ra-vee-ah
> > for the locals :) ) TRU.
> >
> > Among what I found included Fright Knights, Hydronaughts, Divers, Outback,
> > UFO, Aquanaughts, and Wild West. There were others but I can't remember them
> > all. The only problem is none of these sets other than the Wild West Sets
> > were obviously marked done. The Knight Lords Castle 6097 I found at 69.99 by
> > scanning it which is $10 below retail. The other sets I could not tell you if
> > they were marked down or not (I don't think so).
> >
> > If you want directions or if you want me to check on the availabilty of a
> > particular set just E-mail me and I can get you directions or check the store
> > at some point during the next week or so.
> I live in California (aka Sunny CA), so I don't think the directions will
> do much good. Can you check and see if they have set 6444, Outback
> Airstrip? Thanks, S@H has none :(.
Best place to look for Outback Airstrips is KB Toys. They are on close
out for $12.99 (you even may be lucky and find a store which still has
them at the incorrect close out price of $9.99).
Frank Filz
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