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Re: LEGO S@H Metroliner Discount Offer
Fri, 21 May 2004 10:00:57 GMT
1047 times
In, Mark & Milissa Millère <> wrote:


I will do this for you as Larry has pointed out.

I did this with the Train Cars when Australia got a deal.


E-mail me at MMillere-at-Knology-dot-com


Mark Millere
Visit Milissa's Lego™ Store, Millere's Spares™

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf
Of Larry Pieniazek
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 8:35 PM
Subject: Re: LEGO S@H Metroliner Discount Offer

In, Martin Frankena wrote:

Is it in anyway possible,for you to buy some sets for the LOWLUG members
in the Netherlands ????   I would send the money right away!!!!!

One good way to do this, if you have a trusted partner in the US,
is to order
the sets, with the country set to the US and enter their delivery
addy. Pay for
it, and all you have to do is pay your partner for the shipping
cost from the US
to you.

I'd do it for folks, it's something I used to do back when I was
factoring, but
I just don't have the bandwidth any more, I'm afraid. Perhaps
someone else might

Hi Mark,

thanks for the offer. You've got mail !!!!!
I tried to buy the sets directly by switching to US at S@H, but no luck. i can
buy the sets, but not ship them to the Netherlands.....

Well, just buy them through Mark  :-))

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: LEGO S@H Metroliner Discount Offer
"Legotrain" <> wrote in message [ ... snipped ... ] (...) can (...) To buy them via US S@H, you need to make sure you have a US delivery address to receive them. Once you and Mark sync up, you can (...) (21 years ago, 21-May-04, to
  Re: LEGO S@H Metroliner Discount Offer
(...) Ya, that's kinda the idea behind setting the ship to country to the US, it means you're going to use a US shipping address. :-) Or at least one served by the US distribution center... (21 years ago, 21-May-04, to

Message is in Reply To:
  RE: LEGO S@H Metroliner Discount Offer
Martin, I will do this for you as Larry has pointed out. I did this with the Train Cars when Australia got a deal. THANX ROSCO! E-mail me at MMillere-at-Knology-dot-com Thanx, Mark Millere Visit Milissa's Lego™ Store, Millere's Spares™ (URL) (...) (21 years ago, 21-May-04, to

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