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Re: About to ship a package to Switzerland - advice?
Tue, 23 Jul 2002 18:35:32 GMT
3122 times
In, William R. Ward writes:

I have a 10 lb. box to send to Switzerland.  It looks like I can send
it airmail with the USPS for about $35.  Is that right?  What's the
best shipping method?

$37.25 via Parcel Post AirMail.  Note the package size restrictions for
Parcel Post: Max.length 79", max. length plus girth 108" (may vary by
country).  Ship it insured; this is the only way (via Parcel Post) you can
track down the package if it gets lost.  Ask the recipient for the EXACT
shipping address in the correct format.

Also, what do I put on the customs forms?  I know when shipping stuff
to the US if you use the right code there are no duties due for LEGO.
Does Europe offer the same sort of thing?

Be honest on the customs form.  I usually enter "LEGO Plastic Construction
Toys #XXX".  Put a copy of the invoice (if there is one) in the package with
the set and a copy in with the customs form.  Include the recipient's phone

What about boxing it up?  It's a large set (a Rebel Blockade Runner).
Getting a box the right shape may be difficult.  What do you suggest?

Find a larger (corrugated) box and cut it down to size.  Use peanuts or
bubble wrap.  Be liberal with the sealing tape on corners, flaps, etc.



Message is in Reply To:
  About to ship a package to Switzerland - advice?
I have a 10 lb. box to send to Switzerland. It looks like I can send it airmail with the USPS for about $35. Is that right? What's the best shipping method? Also, what do I put on the customs forms? I know when shipping stuff to the US if you use (...) (23 years ago, 23-Jul-02, to

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