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  General Box #1 thread
This is a general box. Lots of odds and ends, nothing specific. It's going to Mike Walsh first. I think Frank F will get it next (per Mike). It does have some classic minifig torsos in it and some classic wheels and axle bricks. It also has 2 of the (...) (26 years ago, 22-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
I'll take it next! Tamy (...) (26 years ago, 22-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
Please put me in the queue for this box. If you need my postal address, send me an e-mail at: for the quickest response. Otherwise will work, too. Thanks! Eric (26 years ago, 22-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
Sign me up... (26 years ago, 22-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
(...) Put me on the list. (26 years ago, 22-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
(from class...) Box has been posted priority mail. Mike should have it soon. I'm looking to him to start a logbook because I forgot to put something in there. (maybe a log on floppy disk as a txt file??? saves weight in the long run (after n pages (...) (26 years ago, 22-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
I'll sign up next in the list.... Patricia Schempp (26 years ago, 22-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
(...) I'm in for the canadian detour Martin Montreal, Quebec (26 years ago, 22-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
Is prone to virus's though... I like the idea, though.. would save in postage :) I had a friend bring me a floppy that set off the alarms in my system one time.. :( bummer was I wanted the files that were on the disk and I couldn't get rid of the (...) (26 years ago, 22-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
I'd like to be on the list for this box. -- Have fun! John AUCTION Page (15 Sealed Space sets!) (URL) Page (URL) wp,dm,rk,df++ fk-]++++(6035) SW,TR,old(456)+++ TO++ PI,SP+ DU-- #+++++ & IG88888888 on AOL Larry Pieniazek wrote (...) (26 years ago, 22-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
The great sociology experiment has started and I am honored to receive the first box. My contribution will likely be some castle walls and and some odd-ball space pieces that I can't find a use for. I will also add a log book and make some notes in (...) (26 years ago, 23-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
Hello Hey what a great idea ..... Yeah It would be cool to receive this box and participate.. Please put me on the list Dave Jost Larry Pieniazek <> wrote in message (...) (26 years ago, 23-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
Put me on the list after Dave Jost, please. (it should have circulated enough that it will be quite interesting to see what's in there) snail is 6829 Rix St.,SE Ada MI 49301 I copied Dave who I want to chain to and Mookie so she can update her list. (...) (26 years ago, 23-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
Please sign me up for this thread. If this morning's look at lugnet is accurate, this puts me right after Larry. Please email me for my snail address. Chad (26 years ago, 23-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
Add me to this list, since my name disappeared from it. (...) -- | Tom Stangl, Technical Support Netscape Communications Corp | Please do not associate my personal views with my employer (26 years ago, 23-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
(...) Add me to the list. Thanks! (26 years ago, 26-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
Please add me to the list. SteveC aka: SteveC86 SteveC Perilous Pirate Page (URL) moved the Lighthouse! To find out how: (URL) (26 years ago, 26-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
Please sign me up for this box too. -Mike Ulring (26 years ago, 27-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
GB #1 arrived at my office in North Carolina today! I opened it enough to take a quick look but will have to wait until this evening to really go through it . I will follow up with more details as well as what I remove and what I add. I am also (...) (26 years ago, 27-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
Sign me up to. My address 211 Pleasant Meadows Dr. Gaffney SC 29341 God bless you Rob (26 years ago, 27-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
Please sign me up for this box... :) (26 years ago, 28-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
(...) I would like to be part of this box if possible. I know I'm coming in late in the game but what the heck. Bryce McGlone 408 W. Olive Ave Monrovia, CA 91016 (26 years ago, 29-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
(...) I'd like on this list. (26 years ago, 30-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
Please add my name to this list. -- dave (26 years ago, 30-Jul-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
Just wanted to let everyone know that GB #1 has moved on, Frank Filz is now posession of it. Mike - (URL) Towell wrote in message ... (...) (26 years ago, 3-Aug-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
(...) Please add a Canadian tour to the end of this thread. The order will be arranged mildly by geographical location. The individuals who have asked to be added are: James Brown John Koob (1) Alan Findlay (1) Vincent St. Martin Eric Degiuli (2) (...) (26 years ago, 4-Aug-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
Just wanted everyone to know I've sent on General Box 1 too, Eric should have it very soon :) (26 years ago, 12-Aug-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
Please add me to the list for this box. Thanks, Will (26 years ago, 15-Aug-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
Please add me to the list for this box. (26 years ago, 15-Aug-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
Hi, I would like to be add at the list for box# 1. Please note that I'am in Canada so I will be part of the Canadian tour. Stephane Pilon 18 Perras Hull, Quebec, Canada J8Y 6K1. Thanks! (...) (26 years ago, 16-Aug-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
Please sign me up for this box. Thanks, Julie (...) (26 years ago, 16-Aug-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
I would like to be added to the list for this box. Jodi Neal (...) (26 years ago, 31-Aug-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
(...) please add me to the list! JBoen (onyx) (26 years ago, 31-Aug-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
I would like to sign up for General Box #1. Thank you, Graham (...) (26 years ago, 31-Aug-99, to
  Sign me up for - Re: General Box #1 thread
(...) I'd like to get on this list now that it's quite long. (Mookie, please note that my email addy has changed and your web page references the wrong one. If you could change it, I'd be much obliged.) --Chris (26 years ago, 4-Sep-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
(...) Please add me to this list. Matthew G (26 years ago, 6-Sep-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
Please add me to this one as well - now I'm in the queue for all of them, I think. Paul Sinasohn 3359 Arkansas Street Oakland, CA 94602-3707 (26 years ago, 7-Sep-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
(...) Please sign me up for this box. We had so much fun with the first box we got (GB#3), I'm signing up for more. Steve (25 years ago, 20-Sep-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
sign me up. -Jim Kansas, USA --- (25 years ago, 17-Oct-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
(...) Please add me to this box also Matt Morgan (25 years ago, 31-Oct-99, to
  Re: General Box #1 thread
"Larry Pieniazek" <> wrote ... (...) Add me to the list. -Rob. (25 years ago, 9-Jan-00, to

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