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 Marketplace / Buy/Sell/Trade / 13444
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Re: Interested in all non-tan from #10017 Hopper Wagon?
Wed, 13 Feb 2002 08:39:24 GMT
612 times
In, Brandon Camp writes:
Within minutes of posting, I got a buyer for all 25 sets.  Demand for the
non-tan parts from 10017 set is high.  If I consider ordering another batch,
I will post the offer here.

Personally, I am not surprised.  This is a very good deal so I will keep an
out for future annoucements of this deal.  I should not have let it pass me
this time--someone else is very lucky and should be smiling about it :)

I bought some 10017 Hopper Cars a while back.  My plan was to replace all Tan
parts with Dark Gray and the results are excellent.  The only part limited
available?) in Dark Gray are the 1x2 Technic Bricks with 2 holes, so I used
Black; this does not noticably detract from the overall appearance.  Since
then, I have been accumulating Black 1x2 Technic Bricks with 2 holes in
anticipation of buying more Hopper Car kits.

The Tan parts from the Hopper Cars I bought are in a bag, unused [not for
though].  Brandon's deal seems to match my goals which are always to get more
Train wheel assembly pieces to build more waggons and locomotives.

Regular (Light) Gray works almost as well as Dark Gray in this model; I am
considering removing the Blue parts but have not decided on the replacement
color.  Dark Red would be my first choice, but availability of the parts
becomes a huge issue.

__Kevin Salm__

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Interested in all non-tan from #10017 Hopper Wagon?
(...) I want to build an all black hopper and now a dark gray hopper after reading your post. Looks like I will have to purchase new sets but it is worth it! I can also use the tan leftovers. Bert Waters (23 years ago, 13-Feb-02, to

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  Re: Interested in all non-tan from #10017 Hopper Wagon?
Within minutes of posting, I got a buyer for all 25 sets. Demand for the non-tan parts from 10017 set is high. If I consider ordering another batch, I will post the offer here. Conversely, I am always interested in bulk tan. Please feel free to (...) (23 years ago, 13-Feb-02, to

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