Hey all,
Over the past few days and possibly weeks the Bricklink administration has been
suspending stores for seemingly minor violations with the TOS of the Bricklink
site. So far Larry p. has been suspended and now completely removed from the
bricklink site. For more information please see this thread on Bricklink:
I have also found that one of my favorite stores: Anne's Virtual Lego Shop has
also been suspended.
Could someone please explain this insanity to me?
Message has 6 Replies:  | | Re: suspended Bricklink shops
| (...) I think it is not fair Larry was suspended/removed, I hope he gets reinstated soon. As for Anne, that is an entirely different story, she's not shipped many orders, half-shipped orders, ignored communication form customers, and has recevied 20 (...) (21 years ago, 22-Aug-04, to lugnet.general)
|  | | Re: suspended Bricklink shops
| (...) i was just sent this email with a link to annie's feedback. --- richard marchetti <burningchrome@SPAMs...lobal.net> wrote: (...) Annies store was closed/suspended when I clicked on my favorite places link to her store. This is why I mentioned (...) (21 years ago, 22-Aug-04, to lugnet.general)
|  | | Re: suspended Bricklink shops
| (...) uh-oh. I feel like I'm watching the dimming embers get poked with a stick. I have a comment, completely of my own opinion; a gut reaction to this coming through my e-mail box. Dan might not like Lar, or enjoy being pressured by him*, but in (...) (21 years ago, 23-Aug-04, to lugnet.general)
|  | | Re: suspended Bricklink shops
| (...) I'm not all that good at explaining insanity, but I've been known to state the obvious facts of a situation pretty clearly. Bricklink is a business. If you don't like the way a business operates, do not use that service anymore. If the whole (...) (21 years ago, 23-Aug-04, to lugnet.general)
|  | | Re: suspended Bricklink shops
| (...) I think if he violated the TOS, he deserves what he received. No one is above the law/TOS. I have seen his B/L shop before, and was un-impressed by some of the things put in the descriptions. If someone is that busy, maybe they shouldn't run a (...) (21 years ago, 23-Aug-04, to lugnet.off-topic.debate)
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