In, Toki Barron writes:
> Which part of the drive to Target did you like the least?
My wife was driving, so I'm not sure of the exact roads, but overall I found
that there were far too many poorly-marked exits (just like most of
Pittsburgh), and too many situations in which we had to cross two or three
lanes to reach our exit in a very short stretch of street! The single worst
part, though, was an exit at Ikea (is it just me, or does most Ikea furniture
look like something out of a cheap dorm lobby?). I can't describe exactly
where it was, but we were trying to make a left turn out of the exit and had
to sit there for no less than 10 minutes waiting for a break in traffic! I
can't imagine why they don't have a stoplight there, other than because it
would be convenient and probably safer for drivers.
> It seems like the roads around here are designed to function well during
> light-medium traffic instead of being designed to handle the heaviest traffic.
Amen! And why is it that (in the same way as the bus/T system) in order to
go anywhere near Pittsburgh you have to go *through* downtown Pittsburgh to
get there?! I'm exaggerating a little, of course, but all roads seem to lead
to 5th and Grant.
Since I'm a fairly recent import to the area, I'm still caught off guard by
the layout of this place. It seems that most roads are designed as though
people are expected to be intimately familiar with them before they ever drive
on them. There are too many poorly marked exits and odd turn-offs for my
taste, and even if you realize you've missed your exit, you still have to
drive 5 miles past it before there's a place to turn around and try again!