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    Re: When we gonna BrikWar? —Gino A. Melone
   (...) So next week. Tues or Wens. I've been building and can select an army from my forces. My tendencies are towards large vehicles, so a 250CP limit will be tight for me. But, I think it is best for the forum. Perhaps we can do a high CP, low (...) (24 years ago, 8-Aug-00, to
        Re: When we gonna BrikWar? —Joel Jacobsen
   (...) (Next (...) until (...) Here are my opinions: Guard Tower is less than impressive from what *I* have seen..and smelled... As you probably recall from college days, my other half's Asthma is a key factor in anything we do - and due to (...) (24 years ago, 10-Aug-00, to
        Re: When we gonna BrikWar? —Gino A. Melone
   (...) smelled (...) Thanks for the heads-up. I'd have some problems with those smells too. The GT was top on the list only because of location. Its closer for me too. (...) I'll have to get over to The Soldiery to check it out. Thanks, Gino A... (24 years ago, 10-Aug-00, to
        Re: When we gonna BrikWar? —Drew Lawrence
   Gino - several things. 1) Are we going to be playing with heroes? (From the last game, I will be feilding my exact same mech - the Locust. I think the pilot should get a +1 accuracy bonus for being more experienced, being a survivor from the (...) (24 years ago, 11-Aug-00, to
        Re: When we gonna BrikWar? —Drew Lawrence
   3) Gino, which gaming store is it at? I'm guessing, from an earlier thread, that it will be at the Soldiery..... ~Drew (24 years ago, 13-Aug-00, to

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