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Re: CO BrikWars get together
Thu, 13 Apr 2000 13:35:39 GMT
2021 times
In, Shaun Sullivan writes:

As for hieght, we used a brick (brik?) as being one unit.  For 'mechs, we • took the
torso, and multiplied the larger two of the three dimensions.  So a tall • skinny
4x2x6 (width, depth, height) torso would cost as much as a short squat fatty
6x4x2.  For applying movement and cost, we considered them to be treaded • ground
vehicles (we considered the Brikwars 2000 'mech creation rules, but there • were some
areas we weren't comfy with - for example, 'mechs can easily come out faster • than
small flyers with those rules, so we stuck with the '98 ones)

Let me see. My mech's torso's height is 4 "brix." The width is 6 "bumps." The
length is 8 "bumps."

Correct me if I am wrong:

4x6x8 = 192.

192 / 10 = 19.2

19.2, rounded would be 19.

So therefore, my medium mech costs 19 construction points for the chassis
alone? (No Pilot or Guns)


This is the 100th post in this thread!! Yeeehaaww!


LegoMasterLuke wrote:

In, David Eaton writes:
In, Drew Lawrence writes:
Here is a loophole in the Vehicle system.... To get a treaded vehicle's • cost,
you calculate out the area of the chassis, divide that by ten, and then • add
the class number. My Small Mech has a chassis area of 16. Divided by 10, • it
comes out to be 1.6, which, when rounded, is 2 CP. Then add the Class • Number,
and the entire mech costs 4 cp. (No weapons or pilots added yet.. all in • all,
however, it costs about 30 CP.)

Actually, we used a different statistic for Mech's because of • that "loophole"
because it didn't seem very fair (hopefully Mike will forgive us, unless of
course he was the one to suggest it... I don't know-- it wasn't my • idea)... We
essentailly modified that rule to measure the area of the largest plane
contained within the "chassis". Hence, for a mech, you would measure the
rectangular area in width times height, rather than width times length. • But in
general, the vehicle itself IS pretty cheap without weapons, turrets, etc.
Although I will say, just for fun's sake, I calculated my AT-AT's value... • that
got expensive :) I think it came out to about 80pts for the chassis alone, • and
altogether something like 220 points (with the 3 pilots)!

Clarify that for me. Do you do < width x height > of the chassis, or of the
entire mech?

And what is the height? What are we using as "1" height? A brik? a plate?


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: CO BrikWars get together
(...) If you go by these guys' rules (which IMHO are pretty good rules), then you only multiply the larger two of the three dimensions: so for a 4brix x 6dots x 8dots, the larger two dimensions are 6 and 8, giving you a Size of 6x8=48. 48 makes your (...) (25 years ago, 14-Apr-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: CO BrikWars get together
As for hieght, we used a brick (brik?) as being one unit. For 'mechs, we took the torso, and multiplied the larger two of the three dimensions. So a tall skinny 4x2x6 (width, depth, height) torso would cost as much as a short squat fatty 6x4x2. For (...) (25 years ago, 13-Apr-00, to

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