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Re: NELUG general purpose bricks?
Fri, 14 Jan 2000 16:18:33 GMT
313 times
In, David Eaton writes:
In, Eric Kingsley writes:
You can count on me for some.  Probably not $50 but something.  I actually
would much rather do this where 20 people gave $10 instead of 4 people giving
$50.  That way it really seems like more of a community thing.  (Of course
that is using your $200 example).  Besides we are really starting to get Big
in terms of members now so I think 1. A community LEGO pool is a good idea
and 2. I think the "community" should buy the bricks and not one or two

Yep, I'm definitly with you on both 1 and 2... (I'd MUCH rather pay $10 than
$50 :) ), but if we can only get, say, 16 of us to pay $10, I'd be more than
happy to put in $50 to make it happen... I didn't want to imply that only 4 of
us or something would be splitting the cost... (actually, I probably shouldn't
even have started quoting figures, my bad) But if we have a sufficient amount
of people interested, I'd be willing to put in more than my share (partly
thanks to the fact that I've been dealing with her already)

Well I definitly want to do it if we can get a good enough deal.  I know that
some of us can contribute more than others so I don't expect everyone to
contribute the same amount and I actually don't think people should feel like
they have to contribute anything to something they don't want to contribute in.
For example I would think that once NELUG gets bigger in CT, VT, and other New
England areas that the people participating in those meetings might want to
start their own box but they probably wouldn't want to contrubute to a box like
this that they would have little if any use for.

I guess my suggestions for now would be to not wait on this like Larry
mentioned.  If we can get a fair price for what is in the bag then we should do
it and you can at least count on me for some $$ and then we can get $$ from
other members to recoupe our initial outlay.

I know there has not been much talk other than the couple of us who have posted
so far so I don't know if either other members are not following this thread or
if they have chosen to not reply to the message.  I have tried to get people
form using the mailing list but maybe we should use it and at least point
people to the origional post in this thread?  Unfortunately it seems we have
become reliant on the mailing list more than I would have liked but if it works
I guess maybe we should use it.  Any thoughts?

I would have to say that I am very happy (almost overwhelmed) with the progress
and success of NELUG in such a short time.  I think as things continue to
progress more opportunities like this will pop up.  I also think that as things
continue to progress people will be more inclined to contibute $5 or $10 to
something like this.  I do realize that a level of trust has to be reached for
that to happen but for now I don't want to miss a good opportunity so count me
in and hopefully we will at least get a couple more contributors as well.

Who knows maybe in time this collection will get big enough that we can build
our display's totally from it and not have to use our personal collections.

Eric K.

P.S. You can count on me for a few contrubutions from my collection as well.
Mostly stuff I don't use or use little of for now but maybe more in the future.

The New England LEGO Users Group

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: NELUG general purpose bricks?
Count me in for a share if the price per piece looks good. Maybe that'll get me to another meeting from way out here in Connecticut. (to visit the bricks) Don Heyse (25 years ago, 14-Jan-00, to,,,,,,
  Re: NELUG general purpose bricks?
Just let me know where to send a check. I'm in for 20, more if we come up short... (25 years ago, 16-Jan-00, to,,,,,,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: NELUG general purpose bricks?
(...) $50 :) ), but if we can only get, say, 16 of us to pay $10, I'd be more than happy to put in $50 to make it happen... I didn't want to imply that only 4 of us or something would be splitting the cost... (actually, I probably shouldn't even (...) (25 years ago, 13-Jan-00, to,,,,,,

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