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  Ummm, hey Tom Stangl, wanna trade?
Uh, gee Tom, I still have the 8440 Formula Flash (unopened) I got from you at the road show last year. Wanna trade it for a 4547 Club Car? hehehehehehe Russell (25 years ago, 10-Dec-99, to
  Re: Velux set 1854 available!
(...) That makes it sound like they want to sell 100s of sets. That's possible, but I'm not so sure. I think this would need to be handled diplomatically. If Sharmin is not set up to handle large numbers of orders, she might be overwhelmed just (...) (25 years ago, 9-Dec-99, to
  Re: Velux set 1854 available!
(...) they (...) as I (...) 5+ of (...) Tom, you should communicaite this to your contact and let them know that they could easily sell 100 or more sets just through one posting to LUGNET. Paul S (25 years ago, 9-Dec-99, to
  Re: Low slopes with stripes? Russell?
(...) Yes, that was me. I am definitely interested in the yellow slopes, but I need to check on which type of blue slopes I already have. Russell (25 years ago, 9-Dec-99, to
  A Small Sale
I stopped at TRU this morning and noticed the 5988 (Pharoahs Forbidden Ruins) was marked down to $49.99 (from $79.99). If anybody is interested. Fred (25 years ago, 9-Dec-99, to
  Low slopes with stripes? Russell?
Russell, Was it you that wanted the striped bricks? Do you only want ones with straight stripes, not triangles? I found the following this week: 18 - yellow 4x3 with rectangular red stripes (may want to keep 4-8) 4 - yellow 2x3 with rectangular red (...) (25 years ago, 9-Dec-99, to
  White parts, plain bricks
Mark, When digging around for some other parts, I found 4 white 2x3 rounded edge bricks. You can borrow them if you wish, but I will definitely want them back. I can dig around in all my stuff this weekend (gotta sort out all those ziplocs from (...) (25 years ago, 9-Dec-99, to
  Re: Velux set 1854 available!
What's scary is that they ran out so fast. They limited me to 3, I wonder if they had <gasp!> 3 left? Anyways, I hope they get more soon. I hope they also realize to order MANY, as I want another 7-17 of them, and I'm sure there are many others that (...) (25 years ago, 9-Dec-99, to
  Re: Velux set 1854 available!
No more VELUX LEGO houses. Here's my reply from Sharmin: (...) /Eric/ (25 years ago, 8-Dec-99, to
  Need 6x3x1 trans-yellow windows (ala Galaxy Explorer)
Hi, I'm in need of two 6x3 1-high transparent yellow windows, like those found in early space sets (Galaxy Explorer, etc.) I thought I might have seen some in the recent rummage pile. Anyone have some to trade? (Roger?) -gyug (25 years ago, 7-Dec-99, to

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