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Re: Southern UK LEGOfest - 18 September
Wed, 8 Sep 1999 12:32:47 GMT
394 times

the more I read, the more I really wish I could make it. I'll have to persuade
my wife. Perhaps I could pop in for a few hours, 10.00 till 12.00 on my way to
Gatwick? ...Ummm.

On the off chance I maybe able to make it,I have a load of loose bricks and 2
mint 8880 instruction books, a 1054 Stenna ferry promo set, some technic
motors and early to mid 80's space sets (w/inst but no boxes) etc for trade.

I am looking for 3 clear flexible fibre optic (technic parts) as used on
Shuttle and other technic sets, in case anyonme has any?

Also looking for parts for the town 6339 shuttle, tan bricks, divers portholes

Regards to all, and If I don't see you have a great day.

PS. Any plans for the next event?

Jason (Jakey)

In, Jon D Hayward writes:
OK guys,

I've put together a [very basic / text only] page for the LEGOfest at .

PLMK if there's more I can add (particularly to the '9v train layout',
'offered' and 'wanted' sections) or if you need me to clarify anything 8-)

See you all soon!


Message is in Reply To:
  Southern UK LEGOfest - 18 September
OK guys, I've put together a [very basic / text only] page for the LEGOfest at (URL) . PLMK if there's more I can add (particularly to the '9v train layout', 'offered' and 'wanted' sections) or if you need me to clarify anything 8-) See you all (...) (26 years ago, 7-Sep-99, to

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