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Re: Next SLUGS meeting
Fri, 16 Mar 2001 23:02:56 GMT
573 times
In, Kevin Hall writes:
In, Richard Parsons writes:
In, Kevin Hall writes:
So shall we make it official now.....

When.... 14th april (Saturday)

Where... I'm looking at renting the school hall up this way at Gosford again
(Is this OK with everyone.... if not...any other suggestions)

Who.... Who is coming to this next meet.....???

Who are SLUGS?

And wasn't Peter organising a Studfest in April somewhere around Penrith?

Sorry Richard, I was just typing from what I read last post about Our meet,
I think Mel kept calling us Slugs....ha ha ha

Oh I am just going by what was written too :P that's what you are though
right?  Apart from human :P... what do I need to bring?  Anything exciting
or needed? Mel

Kev...:  )

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: SLUGS, and also moving the Studs site
(...) No. And what was written was written long before Bricktorian summaries, here: (URL) the subject of NSW dudes, does anyone have a problem with my moving the Studs site: (URL) to 50Megs? Ahab's already there: (URL) means a banner for a bit, but (...) (24 years ago, 16-Mar-01, to
  Re: Next SLUGS meeting
(...) I am definitely a SLUG. I just turn up to any Legophiliac meeting I can reach. The others can work out what they are. Maybe we should setup another town, with maybe a train running thru it. It is Lego, so no need to strictly stick to any (...) (24 years ago, 17-Mar-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Next SLUGS meeting
(...) Sorry Richard, I was just typing from what I read last post about Our meet, I think Mel kept calling us Slugs....ha ha ha Since Pete has been busy, and at the moment, I have a lot of free time, I told him I'd organise the next meet.... I can (...) (24 years ago, 16-Mar-01, to

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