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Outback Adventurers - An Aussie theme?
Tue, 6 Mar 2001 03:18:00 GMT
406 times
Not that I have any of these sets but..

Was the Outback Adventurers theme meant to be an Australiana theme? Isn't
the "outback" specifically an Aussie Icon?

So why not have one piece Kanagaroos?

If it was meant to be an Austrlian oriented theme, sorry Lego but it's
pretty piece-weak ;-)

(Now I get to play with REAL construction toys *grin*)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Outback Adventurers - An Aussie theme?
This is correct, when you talk about the 'outback' you are talking about the Outback of Australia, and I have an Outback set which if you ask me isn't very Australian whatsoever... for a start there is no long john in any of the sets :P hahaha and I (...) (24 years ago, 6-Mar-01, to

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