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Re: Outback Adventurers - An Aussie theme?
Tue, 6 Mar 2001 22:02:12 GMT
551 times
In, Melody Brown writes:
This is correct, when you talk about the 'outback' you are talking about the
Outback of Australia, and I have an Outback set which if you ask me isn't
very Australian whatsoever... for a start there is no long john in any of
the sets :P hahaha and I always though that if this is this case then where
is my kangaroo?  Now how about some REAL Australian Outback sets instead of
"I think this is what you'd call the outback" and I don't mean a take off
from Crocodile Dundee!  Either that or get it right!

From the company that brought you Ain'tarctic, what would you expect.
A 'real' Outback theme could have...

1. The Aboriginal Mission: Even heavily juniorised elements can't keep the
housing upright. Willa the Witch is recycled into a 'Little Sisters of the
Culturally Imperialiing' minifig. A large roadtrain restocks the service
station with petrol and alcohol.

2. Former Nuclear Test Site: Sort of like Space Port, but with lots less
elements (not very good value for money).

3. Uranium Mine: Like Rock Raiders, but even more trans-glowing elements.
Comes complete with perimeter fence and protester minifigs.

4. Outback Pub: High alcohol intake and high speed motorsport. Comes with
Police pursuit vehicle and ambulance.

5. Backpacker Minifig Set: 5 Timmy minifigs with different coloured hair and
Adventurers Style Tent.

pete.w (IOLTC? In Out Let's try Coke)

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Outback Adventurers - An Aussie theme?
(...) A Special Uluru Set: Piece count = 1 Big BURP. (...) Santosh (International Overseas (North American) LTC ?) (24 years ago, 6-Mar-01, to
  Re: Outback Adventurers - An Aussie theme?
6. A B&S ball set. Large numbers of extremely drunk minifigs, plus numerous over-powered utes. (Same utes can also be used everywhere else in the outback sets) 7. Pastoral lease. 4 minifigs, 50 baseplates, and 80 thousand sheep. :) ----- Original (...) (24 years ago, 6-Mar-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Outback Adventurers - An Aussie theme?
This is correct, when you talk about the 'outback' you are talking about the Outback of Australia, and I have an Outback set which if you ask me isn't very Australian whatsoever... for a start there is no long john in any of the sets :P hahaha and I (...) (24 years ago, 6-Mar-01, to

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