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Re: Aus 2000.2 catalogue scans -sexism rules OK? Very long!
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Tue, 20 Jun 2000 04:40:43 GMT
915 times
Forgive the length of this, but this is a topic close to my heart, as I have
really tried not to nurture my kids in the predictable societal patterns.

My daughter is 11 yrs old and she had matchbox cars and trucks and hammers
etc right from the beginning. In fact I have a photo of her at about 4 months
old clutching a hammer and screwdriver with a hard hat on her head. Think that
was the only time that she touched them. Not for want of trying on my behalf!
She has always been very creative, with great fine motor skills, great at
Her great love at the same age that my son is now was Barbies!!! spew! Ugh!! I
never purchased her one, though she used to ask for them. Though eventually
other people did. She even had a 3 ft high barbie clone with evening dress.
This was disgusting and I put up with it (baring my teeth at it every so
often) and finally put it in a box in the garage until she forgot she had ever
had it and then sold it on a garage sale unbeknown to her!

My son has dolls and soft toys and shows little interest in them, although I
have purchased many different clothes for the doll, and a bed etc. ALL he is
interested in is firstly tools (when he was 12 months he used to go to bed
cuddling a plastic hammer) all attempts to steer him onto other things failed.
Thwarting the efforts of even the child care centre. Who banned tools on the
premises. Whenever he had to go there all hell would break loose cause they
had no tools!
Now that he is 3 yrs old, all he is interested in is guns and knives and
swords and other weapons. ALso action figures, like spiderman, and superman
and action man. Now he loves the fisher price great adventures sets (all
cowboys and knights and pirates)Now I have tried, from refusing to buy him
ugly toys and weapons (he also loves monsters) and finally after about 2
years, gave up and bought him the toys that he really wanted. Last xmas he
said not more Duplo, mum, and the only Lego he likes are the action type

My daughter was all pink glitter and princesses (yuck) and I often used to
complain to my mother that I just couldn't relate to my own daughter, as I was
(and am really)such a tomboy. Her father is a matron in a large hospital, and
stepfather an architect (very arty) he does the majority of the housework, I
pay the bills, and am at uni, and I work. So we havent socialised her to be
this way.
My son refuses to play with the duplo, as it is not scary enough, though today
I have built him an amazing train set, but he is using his fisher price
pirates and knights with it.
My daughter age 11, and all her friends play with it all the time, and I have
talked to them about it to find out why they love it so much, cause all the
girls in the neighbourhood come here to play with it. They have all said that
they love the cute figures and little sleeping bags, and like the house pieces
best. That said, they build amazing houses, but they are not interested in the
fire stations or vehicles etc.
Now I bought up my daughter in an isolated farmhouse by myself for the first
four years of her life. So she was not socialised this way. She had no contact
with the outside world at all apart from grocery shopping once every
fortnight, She didn't even see other kids. She also hated getting her hands
dirty, and still does. She wont even finger paint! She hates sport (I loved
it) She has never built a cubby, or made mud pies, I can't relate at all!
SO we could go round and round in circles with the whole nature vs nurture
debate, but I have experienced this, having had one of each, and there has
been nothing I can do to encourage them otherwise. So Kerry what can you do?
Rachel :-)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Aus 2000.2 catalogue scans -sexism rules OK? Very long!
(...) do? You gave your children options, and they made their choices. There's nothing wrong with that. It's not giving children options that worries me. Kerry (25 years ago, 21-Jun-00, to, lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  RE: Aus 2000.2 catalogue scans
(...) new (...) The action wheelers appear to be a re-issue of toolo, but with light and sound as well [and a more stremlined design] It also looks as though the 'mybot' is an addition to this theme too, and not a seperate line. [I'll try and get (...) (25 years ago, 19-Jun-00, to, lugnet.general)

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