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Re: New Product Announcement - 10152
Newsgroups:,, lugnet.general
Thu, 27 May 2004 13:52:31 GMT
243 times
In, Jake McKee wrote:
In, Jonathan Wilson wrote:
I see no reason why it cant be made available to australia and new zealand
given that stuff we get comes from the exact same warehouse that people in
europe get their shop @ home items.

Jake, can you look into why this isnt listed on for australia
and kick someone into gear to get it listed so us aussies can buy our (up
to) 5 sets just like the rest of the world?

I only want one myself but I am sure there are other aussies who want 1,2
or even the full 5 :)

I should have been more clear about this. All Shope At Home items (minus a few
exceptions) that are available in Europe are also available to Australia and New
Zealand. The 10152 is available to you as well, but the product isn't loaded on
the site yet. Should be later today.

Jake McKee
Community Liaison
LEGO Community Development

I was do LEGO work out their prices?

By my calculation, 10152 is being sold at the following:
$74.99 US is roughly $105 AUS
£54.99 is roughly $140 Aus
EURO 79,99 is roughly $136 AUS
$144.95 AUS
(About 30% higher outside North America)

Similarly, 10030:
$299 US is roughly $420 AUS
£249.99 is roughly $640 Aus
EURO 369,99 is roughly $635 AUS
$569.95 Aus
(About 50% higher outside North America)

Similarly, 10123:
$99.99 US is roughly $140 AUS
£69.99 is roughly $180 Aus
EURO 109,99 is roughly $190 AUS
$199 Aus
(About 30% higher outside North America)

Similarly, 4750:
$7.99 US is roughly $11 AUS
£5.99 is roughly $15 Aus
EURO 9,99 is roughly $17 AUS
$14 Aus
(About 30% higher outside North America)

Now, seeing as the sets are being produced in Europe, WHY are those buying them
there having to pay so much more? After all, Wouldn't it seem logical that those
buying from the source should be getting it CHEAPER than those who have to get
it shipped from the source to an overseas (literally) S@H centre, and then
forwarded from there?

I COULD be wrong, but it seems to me that the rest of the world is SUBSIDISING
the LEGO being sold in North America so that they can keep getting the cheaper

Is there any truth in this theory...I guess that's up to LEGO to either confirm,
or to try and explain the pricing discrepencies.

[1] I probably shouldn't be surprised...after all, the only way we hear from
LEGO is via North American LEGO company sources, and in general LEGO (produced
in Europe) arrives on sale in North America before it does in Europe...Maybe
they don't even realise that those who don't live in North America buy LEGO?

Benjamin Whytcross

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: New Product Announcement - 10152
(...) Well I have actually noticed that although new products may show up on NA S@H first, often they start shipping to Europe before NA, as was the case with the Maersk ship. Still doesn't explain the price discrepancies though. ROSCO (21 years ago, 27-May-04, to,, lugnet.general)
  Re: New Product Announcement - 10152
<snip> (...) Benjamin, I believe that the answer is (at least) twofold: 1. LEGO's way of setting prices for different markets is very complex (I believe that Jake has stated this before), and the price only partially depends on what the given market (...) (21 years ago, 27-May-04, to,, lugnet.general)
  Why Lego acts unfairly (was Re: New Product Announcement - 10152)
(...) Well, I know of two theories: 1. The Whinging Australian(s) Theory One or more Australians whinge about the Lego company in Australia, the product availability in Australia or even the price in Australia. The Lego company does not like this (...) (21 years ago, 28-May-04, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New Product Announcement - 10152
(...) I should have been more clear about this. All Shope At Home items (minus a few exceptions) that are available in Europe are also available to Australia and New Zealand. The 10152 is available to you as well, but the product isn't loaded on the (...) (21 years ago, 17-May-04, to,

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