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Re: All I want for Christmas is a Lego Toothbrush...
Wed, 5 Nov 2003 01:06:29 GMT
1041 times
In, Melody Brown wrote:
In, Deidre Rushton Brumby wrote:
Well, not really, but for the collectors of Lego esoterica who do:

Woolworths Supermarket:  Jack Stone kid's toothbrush with clear plastic handle
containing a proper Jack Stone figure which can be taken out.  These were
spotted about 2 weeks ago and were around $3-$4 each.  There seem to be a
variety of figures available but I didn't that closely.

Coles Supermarket:  On special this week until Sunday (regular grocery
catalogue), Colgate Motion Bionicle Power toothbrush $9.98 save $3.01.  The
picture in the catalogue shows a red mask but I have no idea which one.


...just as long as Jack doesn't turn your teeth to Stone...

Then you may need the Jack Soft version (soft bristles).

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: All I want for Christmas is a Lego Toothbrush...
(...) Why thank you, Pete Pearly-White ;) Mel (21 years ago, 5-Nov-03, to

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  Re: All I want for Christmas is a Lego Toothbrush...
(...) ...just as long as Jack doesn't turn your teeth to Stone... Mel ;) (21 years ago, 4-Nov-03, to

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