| | The formation of Scot LUG
Hello all. For a while now I have wanted to attend a lego event. But even with Brickish all of the big events (minus ScotFest which I need to catch one day) are all in england. And I have no way of getting down there. So I have created a new LUG (...) (18 years ago, 29-May-07, to lugnet.loc.uk)
| | Re: Någon som vill hjälpa LEGO mappa SweLUG?
(...) Dito. Planerar ni någon visit i Eskilstuna (Parken Zoo t.ex) under sommaren så hör av er. Det går alltid att ordna ett litet minimöte :-) (18 years ago, 29-May-07, to lugnet.loc.se)
| | Re: Summary: MUGS 2007-1
Thats a nice T-Shirt Rosco. I haven't seen one like that up here in Sydney. Steve (18 years ago, 29-May-07, to lugnet.loc.au.vic.mel, FTX)
| | Re: Någon som vill hjälpa LEGO mappa SweLUG?
(...) Jag finns fortfarande :) men det är ju mest barnen som bygger just nu, och leker med SW-gubbarna! Jag småköper lite då och då och gömmer undan till "bättre dar" Jag jobbar på att få till ett LEGO-rum i nya "uthuset" också, och jag har byggt (...) (18 years ago, 28-May-07, to lugnet.loc.se)
| | Re: Summary: MUGS 2007-1
Yeah, I know it's #4 not #1. Life goes on. (18 years ago, 28-May-07, to lugnet.loc.au.vic.mel, FTX)
| | Summary: MUGS 2007-1
(URL) Pretty good turnout at Footscray yesterday, it's good to have a venue on the other side of the city. Some good stuff to check out too, including: (2 URLs) Some more of Ben's old sets (2 URLs) Some of Steve's space ships (2 URLs) Aaron's mutant (...) (18 years ago, 28-May-07, to lugnet.loc.au.vic.mel, FTX)
| | Re: Någon som vill hjälpa LEGO mappa SweLUG?
(...) Jag kan bara svara för mig själv, förstås, men här hemma lever Lego-hobbyn vidare, även om Jenny mest vill att vi bygger figurer - djur och människor. Om några år kanske jag kan leda henne in på Technic-spåret... Elgitarr, kul. Jag fick min (...) (18 years ago, 24-May-07, to lugnet.loc.se)
| | Re: Good Places to buy Lego in California?
(...) I was there May 10th and did not have to buy a ticket. Go to the customer service window to the right and get a shopping pass (good for 1 hour). If you've spent more than $50.00 they will reimburse your parking fee when you 'check out'. (...) (18 years ago, 24-May-07, to lugnet.loc.us)
| | Enough interest for an Irish Lug?
Hey all, Been back home for a while now and have noticed more and more fellow Irish fans of lego appearing online. Thought it might be time to ask around and see if anyone would be interested in starting an Irish lego users group. Due to the limited (...) (18 years ago, 24-May-07, to lugnet.loc.ie, FTX)
| | Re: Good Places to buy Lego in California?
Hey Jon, I can't tell you which TRU or Target or whatever is best in that area, but there is a LEGO Imagination Center in Anaheim, just outside of Disneyland, which should be about 20 minutes away according to Mapquest. Of course, being in (...) (18 years ago, 24-May-07, to lugnet.loc.us)
| | Re: Någon som vill hjälpa LEGO mappa SweLUG?
(...) Instämmer, men det kan ju ha ändrats sedan jag sist tittade till er. :) Hoppas allt är bra med alla och att ni har tid för era respektive hobbies. Själv har jag skaffat elgitarr och försöker lära mig spela på den. Så jag har en inomhushobby på (...) (18 years ago, 24-May-07, to lugnet.loc.se)
| | Re: Good Places to buy Lego in California?
(...) Hi Jon, I am not from the area, but lived there briefly in the late 1980's and visit usually once a year. My suggestion would be to go to individual stores' websites and use the store locator function to find out what is near where you'll be. (...) (18 years ago, 24-May-07, to lugnet.loc.us)
| | City LEGO on sale at TRU, March 26 to June 1
TRU has all 'LEGO City' sets 20% off Saturday March 26th to Friday June 1st. The flyer shows set 7239 Fire Truck 'now $23.97, after event $29.99' and 7945 Fire Station 'now $67.97, after event $84.99'. Gail Meagher Halifax (18 years ago, 24-May-07, to lugnet.loc.ca)
| | Good Places to buy Lego in California?
Hi I am visiting California from 31 May 2007 till 10 June on a business related trip. I am staying in Huntington Beach and will have a little spare time. I have a rental car but don't want to travel far if possible. Can anyone suggest good places (...) (18 years ago, 24-May-07, to lugnet.loc.us)
| | Re: Någon som vill hjälpa LEGO mappa SweLUG?
Som det har sett ut här det senaste året (åren?) så är det väl tveksamt om vi skall anse att SWELug existerar? Skrevs det någonsin ner ett 'manifest', har vi ens namn så det räcker till alla funktionärer? Synd, det hade varit kul att kunna svara nu (...) (18 years ago, 23-May-07, to lugnet.loc.se)
| | Re: Rude Golberg-maskiner
No takers huh? :P (18 years ago, 23-May-07, to lugnet.loc.se)
| | Någon som vill hjälpa LEGO mappa SweLUG?
Hoj! Fick följande mail, om någon har aktuell koll på det här kanske ni kan svara direkt till jan [snabel-a] lego [prick] com? "Dear all, I got your e-mail addresses from Melody Krützfeldt from Brick Journal. My name is Jan Beyer and I am the (...) (18 years ago, 23-May-07, to lugnet.loc.se)
| | Re: Cathedral Arts Festival 2007
(...) I always love doing my part. Though it is a small mention amoung many articles. Source: (URL) Current> "Like one of Calder's famous mobiles, Francoeur's "Eye" slowly sways and rotates with the air currents in the building, as visitors also (...) (18 years ago, 23-May-07, to lugnet.events, lugnet.loc.us.nj, FTX)
| | Re: New Sets in Retail Stores
(...) Yes, Yes and Yes The ToysRUs in Hamilton Ontario, had A few of each line in stock.. They only had the container ship for the town line. They had 3 of the Mission mars sets, and about the same amount of castle sets. Jeff VW (18 years ago, 23-May-07, to lugnet.loc.ca)
| | New Sets in Retail Stores
Just wondering if anybody has seen the new sets (Life on Mars, Castle, Town) in Canadian stores yet? If so where? Thanks, Jude (18 years ago, 22-May-07, to lugnet.loc.ca)