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Re: Jango Fett sculpture on eBay!
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 08:01:23 GMT
1324 times
The auction site mentions insurance and shipping charges would be the
responsibility of the winning bidder but doesn't actually mention if
insurance/shipping would be on the same scale as the S@H website, or if it
would be something different.

I'd doubt it would be standard S@H shipping costs. For a start, there are 2
fulfilment centres for S@H one in USA and one in Denmark. So, standard S@H
shipping costs are calculated relative to your "local" fulfilment centre, and
therefore Jango might be at one of them (but not both) or perhaps neither. Also
S@H shipping costs must presumably include some allowance for the possibility
of making additional shipments (at no extra charge to the customer) for
backordered goods, which presumably would not apply to Jango. Also, if Jango is
one big glued sculpture, it's not going to fit in the standard S@H cartons, or
be in any way the same weight/volume ratios, so again this might alter the
pricing considerably.

If you are serious about bidding, I would suggest that the traditional ebay
approach of emailing the seller and asking for a quote of shipping costs to
your area.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Jango Fett sculpture on eBay!
The auction site mentions insurance and shipping charges would be the responsibility of the winning bidder but doesn't actually mention if insurance/shipping would be on the same scale as the S@H website, or if it would be something different. -- (...) (21 years ago, 15-Nov-02, to,

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