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 LEGO Company / LEGO Direct / 5299 (-20)
  Re: Super Chief set not ready for prime-time // Super Chief no train set?
(...) Dear Jake, a German Co-AFOL has had trouble with the Santa Fe train as well. He called the consumer service for replacement wheel sets and got informed the Super Chief was not meant as a train set, but as a display set for the shelf only. So (...) (22 years ago, 16-Oct-02, to lugnet.trains,
  Re: Super Chief set not ready for prime-time
I have two Santa Fe engines and a B Unit I built to go with them. I have two moters one on each of the A units. I too had a hard time with the SF engines pulling more then 10 cars. It always seemed to bog down in the turns. Recently I had all my (...) (22 years ago, 16-Oct-02, to lugnet.trains,
  Re: Super Chief set not ready for prime-time
(...) I agree with that! And I bought all of the newer cars (10013/14/15/16/17) and buy just making a very simple train with them + 1 loc, it has a very hard time on curves and not fast on a straight track. I never had that problem with all the (...) (22 years ago, 16-Oct-02, to lugnet.trains,
  Re: Any one else order this
(...) Are you asking that LD match Tuesday morning pricing at the outset? That's not typically the pricing model used, rather LD seems to charge full retail. That the set went for 20 at Tuesday Morning argues that it's priced correctly at LD, at (...) (22 years ago, 16-Oct-02, to,
  Re: Any one else order this
(...) I will check tomorrow, but I am pretty sure that they are just not available yet. Jake --- Jake McKee Senior Producer LEGO Direct (22 years ago, 15-Oct-02, to,
  Missing item number in latest Shop At Home catalog?
I did a couple searches, and didn't see this mentioned anywhere, so I thought I'd post an FYI for the LEGO Direct folks... in case it was an oversight. On page 3 of the Holiday 2002 catalog there is something called the 'Holiday Kit'. Unfortunately (...) (22 years ago, 15-Oct-02, to
  Re: Any one else order this
Jake & All, (...) Indeed. Are these going to become available to people eventually, or are they already out of stock? I am getting a Not Available when I view the KS1256. Scott Sanburn -- Member, MichLUG (URL) Webpage: (URL) Webpages: (URL) (22 years ago, 15-Oct-02, to,
  Re: Any one else order this
I paid maybe $20 for this set. I actually think it was cheaper. Tuesday morning had them. (22 years ago, 15-Oct-02, to,
  Re: Any one else order this
Are they really anymore expensive than when they were at the Shell stations? All but the big one seem to be in line with what I expect LEGO sets to sell for based on the cost / piece ratio. Granted, I'd like them cheaper, but i don't think that is (...) (22 years ago, 15-Oct-02, to,
  Re: Any one else order this
(...) On the "high" price issue... don't forget that Shell was originally giving these out with certain purchases, and/or subsidizing the costs to make them cheap for the casual gas station consumer. I didn't think about this myself until I asked (...) (22 years ago, 15-Oct-02, to,
  Re: I heard a rumour that lego were going to ditch 9v track...
Hello, Maby I have an explenation. I was in Legoland Billund today. They had a factory sale with some discontinued sets. There vere a lot of Duplo trains. Both tracks and whole trainsets. Couldn't it be these trains lego was going to "ditch"? Just a (...) (22 years ago, 15-Oct-02, to lugnet.trains,
  Re: Any one else order this
(...) This link is easier to work with: (URL) posting links to shop@home, the way to get a simple link like that is to enter the set number into the set lookup box at the bottom of the left nav bar. *NOT* the search at the top of the page. I think (...) (22 years ago, 15-Oct-02, to,
  Re: 8880 Super Car found in the warehouse
"Kerry Raymond" <> wrote in message (...) these (...) will (...) $139.99 Mike -- Mike Walsh - mike_walsh at (URL) - North Carolina LEGO Train Club (URL) - Carolina Train Builders (URL) - (...) (22 years ago, 15-Oct-02, to, lugnet.technic,
  Re: 8880 Super Car found in the warehouse
(...) By comparison, how much were S@H selling them for? Kerry (22 years ago, 14-Oct-02, to, lugnet.technic,
  Bug in search at S@H (Was: 2 useful parts packs at LS@H)
(...) Very curious! When you type these item numbers (10050, 10067) in the search-by-item-number box at the bottom of the S@H page, it finds them! When you type the same item numbers into the general search box at the top right, it doesn't find (...) (22 years ago, 14-Oct-02, to,
  Re: Regular Shipping to Australia -- worked like a charm!
(...) <snip> (...) Thanks for the report. I'm more than happy to wait a bit longer to save a bit of money (or to get more LEGO)... I've got quite a few things on the list - must make an order soon ;-). Cheers Richie (22 years ago, 14-Oct-02, to,
  Regular Shipping to Australia -- worked like a charm!
Fellow LUGnet Ozzies (Oy! Oy! Oy!), Just to let you know the BUGS placed our S@H order on Sunday 29 Sept using the new Regular Shipping option. It was a large order and the Regular Shipping cost was $40 (the maximum). If we had used Express Shipping (...) (22 years ago, 14-Oct-02, to,
  Re: The second wave of bulk parts packs is here!
(...) Nice! Lots of cool stuff that I would buy multiples of if I could get some 6x8 (or similar sized) plates. (I don't even care what color they are at this point!) All those awesome bulk packs, but what is the point when I can not fully utilize (...) (22 years ago, 13-Oct-02, to
  Re: The second wave of bulk parts packs is here!
(...) What about breaking away from the Microsoft world and going open source with a MySQL backend? It is cheap. $.02 Jude XFUT .publish (22 years ago, 13-Oct-02, to, lugnet.publish)
  Re: The second wave of bulk parts packs is here!
(...) Dunno what that's all about, but all I can think of is that the MS Access [1] back end is not able to handle the number of concurrent connections, judging by the System.Data.OleDb.Ol...bException error. Any .NET experts in the house?? I tried (...) (22 years ago, 13-Oct-02, to

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