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Re: camelot is a silly place
Thu, 23 Aug 2001 02:22:14 GMT
2112 times
"Kevin Wilson" <> wrote in message
Brad Justus wrote in message ...
Now showing:

"It's only a model...")

I want to see th emovie, but all that happens when I click on the "select
your playback options" buttons is that my browser window closes. Nothing
else happens at all. If I do an "open in new window" on one of the options
instead of just clicking, I get a new empty window with "Done" in the • status
bar. Could be because the script code associated with each of those • buttons
is eg

What am I missing? Other people seem to have been able to get at it OK. • I'm
running IE 5.5

[ ... snipped ... ]

I saw the exact same behavior earlier today when I first tried it out.  The
only thing I noticed was that I already had Windows Media Player invoked and
it was playing some music.  When I closed WMP and tried the link again, it
worked correctly.

It certainly is funny, anyone know how to save it locally?  I want to load
it on my iPAQ.


Mike Walsh - mike_walsh at mindspring dot com - North Carolina LEGO Users Group - Carolina Train Builders - Brick Depot

Message has 1 Reply:
  RE: camelot is a silly place
(...) (URL) I can't stand watching videos in my browser (especially on a modem), I usually need to look through the source code to find the actual movie. I would very much prefer a "download" link. --Bram Bram Lambrecht (URL) (23 years ago, 23-Aug-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: camelot is a silly place
Brad Justus wrote in message ... (...) I want to see th emovie, but all that happens when I click on the "select your playback options" buttons is that my browser window closes. Nothing else happens at all. If I do an "open in new window" on one of (...) (23 years ago, 23-Aug-01, to

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