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Re: Color Names
lugnet.cad, lugnet.color,
Thu, 10 Jun 2004 23:11:27 GMT
771 times
In lugnet.cad, Dan Boger wrote:
On Thu, Jun 10, 2004 at 09:06:20PM +0000, Tim Courtney wrote:
I think instead of coming together and trying to hash out universal
naming schemes for the community, it would be better to create a
cross-reference that links all of the different part systems together.
In the new linking database, each part would receive a unique ID and
number conflicts between sites wouldn't be an issue anymore.

While this has absolutly nothing to do with color names, it is a good
idea that Steve and I have been kicking around for a couple of years
now.  I know Richard from BrikTrak has already built some translation
tables between Peerl/LDraw and BL.  We could hopefully use some of that
data to prime the database, once we do have something.

This does apply to colors, albeit indirectly.

A cross-reference would allow different sites/DBs to maintain different color
names if they wished, and still translate between parts and colors.

The impression I get from what I know of past attempts to unify part
databases is that some key stakeholders aren't too flexible on
renaming parts in their DBs to come to a universal standard. This is
why I believe a centralized cross-reference would be a much better
alternative, and one that has a much better chance of being

You still need cooperation of all the various catalogs, otherwise
keeping the database updated would be very difficult.  For the record,
both Peeron and LDraw have been trying to work with anyone else out
there since day one.

Gaining cooperation for a cross-reference would be (presumably) less difficult
and less controversial than trying to get together and hash out universal part
or color names - at least, judging by the landscape as I see it.

I think such a project can be designed to encourage (not require) compliance. If
people from various DBs were encouraged to create (or ask permission to create)
a new master record for a mold (or mold/color combination) first, and then link
their own entry into the database, that would be great.

Perhaps there could be a certification and a logo that compliant databases would
have the privilege of displaying on their sites. This would communicate to users
they can cross-reference a part on site X with site Y and be assured they're
referencing the same part.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Color Names
(...) While this has absolutly nothing to do with color names, it is a good idea that Steve and I have been kicking around for a couple of years now. I know Richard from BrikTrak has already built some translation tables between Peerl/LDraw and BL. (...) (21 years ago, 10-Jun-04, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.color,

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