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 Harry Potter / *1571 (-20)
  Re: No HP Set Fans?
(...) The Goblet of Fire sets should bring at least a little love back to this group, but I dare say that it's never been anywhere near as popular as other groups. I happen to be a huge HP fan, and therefore love all of the sets they've created so (...) (20 years ago, 8-Jun-05, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom Redecorate.
(...) wondering how many actual castle sets you used for that? (20 years ago, 7-Jun-05, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: No HP Set Fans?
(...) these are awesome cant wait to see the rest. (20 years ago, 1-Jun-05, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: No HP Set Fans?
"Jeff Barnas" <> wrote in message (...) I am currently working on (among other projects) a Hogwarts Village. I have four complete right now and am working on several others. I am trying to use (...) (20 years ago, 31-May-05, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: No HP Set Fans?
(...) yes it is sad. i am a huge harry potter fan but im mainly a town moc peson. i always check here for some new posts but there isnt much action here :'( (20 years ago, 31-May-05, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  No HP Set Fans?
I just came upon these sets myself. I decided to branch out and picked up four of them at LEGOLAND. I must say that I think the Knight Bus is now one of my all-time favorites. I haven't put together the newest Hogwarts Castle yet, but I will be (...) (20 years ago, 29-May-05, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  From one Scale to the next (was Re: Belville Battle Bridge, Witches with NUNCHUCKS)
Hey y'all, while discussing the idea of playsets/dioramas that transcend scales, i.e. are appropriate as "different" settings from m-fig, thru b-fig, and potentially up to galidor/knights kingdom II figs ("g-fig"?, "k-fig"?, what about "j-fig" for (...) (20 years ago, 3-Mar-05, to lugnet.belville, lugnet.harrypotter, lugnet.castle)
  Re: New!
New stuff just in… Possibly the best set ever! (URL) now that the Vikings appear not to be as kewl as their original promos, (due to the lack of beards and simplification of the sets with tones of catapults that weren’t originally there) this set, (...) (20 years ago, 25-Feb-05, to lugnet.year.2005, lugnet.harrypotter, lugnet.castle)
  Re: 45 new pictures of the new sets
they can be found here (URL) (20 years ago, 24-Feb-05, to lugnet.harrypotter, lugnet.general)  
  45 new pictures of the new sets
they can be found here (URL) (20 years ago, 23-Feb-05, to lugnet.harrypotter)  
  Re: Pics from ToyFair 2005
(...) cost? The ideals of the past gave relevance to the notions that Military (guns) and Mortality (graves) were not the ethics the company was founded upon… What compromise is this? ...unfortunately, it’s a realistic one! But the new gun-heavy (...) (20 years ago, 20-Feb-05, to lugnet.year.2005, lugnet.general, lugnet.castle, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.harrypotter,, lugnet.dear-lego)
Has anyone else seen this? ...all I can say is “Mermaid!” (URL) yah, and the Star Wars stuff we’ve all seen before: (URL) to me at least, the Harry Potter stuff is new! Is it new to you? --==Richard==-- (20 years ago, 18-Feb-05, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.year.2005, lugnet.harrypotter)
  more views of the goblet of fire sets
i just rewrodt the post with all the new pictures included hungarian horntail set & underwater challenge set: (URL) ship: (URL) scene: (URL) box art and a small set (URL) (20 years ago, 14-Feb-05, to lugnet.harrypotter, lugnet.general)
  Re: some views of the goblet of fire sets
(...) Hallelujah! It's about time we got another crab. Thanks for the pics, Jeff! (20 years ago, 13-Feb-05, to lugnet.harrypotter, lugnet.general)
  some views of the goblet of fire sets
hungarian horntail set & underwater challenge set: (URL) ship: (URL) scene: (URL) (20 years ago, 13-Feb-05, to lugnet.harrypotter, lugnet.general) ! 
  A little somethin' for everyone
Yo! Yo! Yo! The kid is back, y'all and I got some goodies for all of my lugnet fam!!! Check out my first slew of posts to brickshelf: (URL) of the MOC's contained therein are of Belville scale structures construced out of either Harry Potter or (...) (20 years ago, 23-Jan-05, to lugnet.belville, lugnet.castle, lugnet.starwars, lugnet.adventurers,, lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.harrypotter) !! 
Hello all I am in need of some castle sets and I was seeing if any one would like to trade HP for it. Please note that some of my instructions have rips and I don't have any of the original boxes. Heres what I have, 4709 Hogwarts™ Castle (not sure (...) (20 years ago, 20-Dec-04, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: review of 4756 Shrieking Shack
(...) I have just finished buiding two copies of this set, the correct piece was loose in the box, did you accidentally throw it away without noticing it ? (...) I counted the parts, (if you count the parts the way Peeron does, ie; a minifig is made (...) (20 years ago, 21-Nov-04, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  review of 4756 Shrieking Shack
444 pieces, $50 US retail or $70 Canadian. The candy shop is sweet, but, in my opinion, should have been put in a separate set on its own. The "converter" one-piece brick is neat and could provide some fun for the target audience. There are some (...) (20 years ago, 4-Oct-04, to lugnet.harrypotter,  
  What's this? A motorized Harry Potter train?
I was looking through the newest catalog and noticed that there's a redesigned Harry Potter train that actually works on LEGO 9V tracks! I'm not a Harry Potter fan, but I do like LEGO trains, so back when the original set was released (4708) I (...) (20 years ago, 15-Aug-04, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.harrypotter, lugnet.dear-lego)  

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