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 Harry Potter / *1311 (-20)
  Quick review of #4720 Knockturn Alley
Hey HP heads, My local toy consignment shop now carries new as well as used Lego now, and lo and behold, they just happened to put these out today, so I bought two! Just couldn't help myself with all the great elements in this set. As built it's ok. (...) (22 years ago, 8-Apr-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: Question about 4720 Knockturn Alley
(...) In the book, Harry accidentally uses Floo power and winds up in Knockturn Alley, a sort of Diagon Alley for dark wizards. He hides in a closet and watches Mr. Malfoy sell some illegal wizarding junk (biting teacups, shrinking keys, etc.) to a (...) (22 years ago, 2-Apr-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Question about 4720 Knockturn Alley
I was gazing at the pictures in my new Late Spring 2003 S@H catalog and I noticed an element in the new Harry Potter set for Knockturn Alley that I'm curious about. The piece appears to be a 1x2 decorated tile with a picture of a hand (human not (...) (22 years ago, 2-Apr-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  New E-mail address
Dear fellow LEGO fans, I am sending this message to the groups I regularly read and post to, because since today my E-mail address that I used to post with no longer exists! It was :-( My new adres will be and (...) (22 years ago, 28-Mar-03, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.dat.models, lugnet.cad.dat.models.sets,,,, lugnet.cad.mlcad, lugnet.cad.ray, lugnet.harrypotter, lugnet.inst,,, lugnet.starwars, lugnet.technic)
  Re: Box scans of 4719 and 4720
(...) Its pretty much black with just a few white lines to give some definition (...) The 1x4 flag above the door is light grey (...) Its a standard 1x2 hinge brick with the relatively new 1x2 + 2x2 bracket William (22 years ago, 26-Mar-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: Box scans of 4719 and 4720
(...) Well they're on the shop shelves in the UK. Perhaps I'll post the till receipt next time. :-) William (22 years ago, 26-Mar-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  These sets are on right now. (was Re: Box scans of 4719 and 4720)
(...) Well, or not before Lego releases such images (which might well occur before the sets themselves are released). However, these sets are available for ordering from the US shopping website right now. Kevin (22 years ago, 26-Mar-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: Box scans of 4719 and 4720
Very cool. Some random thoughts: Quidditch supplies - I would have liked to see a shopkeeper fig, but I understand why LEGO includes major characters. I'm just starting to get a pile of Harrys and Dracos. I can't see Draco's torso very well, but it (...) (22 years ago, 26-Mar-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: Box scans of 4719 and 4720
...however: thanks for uploading them here. They are nice pictures. Jaco "William Howard" <> schreef in bericht (...) (22 years ago, 26-Mar-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: Box scans of 4719 and 4720
Yes. I think you are not allowed to post pictures of sets that have yet to come out... Jaco "William Howard" <> schreef in bericht (...) (22 years ago, 26-Mar-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: Box scans of 4719 and 4720
(URL) (22 years ago, 25-Mar-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: Box scans of 4719 and 4720
These seem to have fallen afoul of the BrickShelf police. I will upload them elsewhere later today. :-( William (22 years ago, 25-Mar-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: Box scans of 4719 and 4720
(...) Wow, thanks! *sigh* jeez, I'm already going to have to buy all the Orient, NASA, and Designer sets, but now I have to get these too! The Snitch is now (slightly) cheaper, I dig the window 4719, a new book, the brain is much cheaper and we (...) (22 years ago, 24-Mar-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Box scans of 4719 and 4720
4719 - Quality Quiditch Supplies 4702 - KnockTurn Alley (URL) (22 years ago, 24-Mar-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: First hi-res picture from Prisoner of Azkaban
(...) Actually, it's a Triple-decker purple bus! Some more pics of the Knight bus from PoA: (URL) Ken (22 years ago, 25-Feb-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: First hi-res picture from Prisoner of Azkaban
(...) The original press statement said LEGO's license was for the first two movies. Has there been any kind of confirmation that it will continue past that? You'd think all parties involved would want that but I would also think we'd hear about (...) (22 years ago, 24-Feb-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: First hi-res picture from Prisoner of Azkaban
(...) Blue? Looks more purple to me. Double-decker purple bus! :-) JohnG, GMLTC (22 years ago, 24-Feb-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  First hi-res picture from Prisoner of Azkaban
Here is a picture from the filming of HP3 or PoA. It shows the Knight bus from the beginning of the book, and is probably a good gauge of a possible set for next year. Double-decker blue bus, sounds great to me! (URL) (22 years ago, 24-Feb-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: FBTB's Coverage of NY Toy Fair 2003
I've just 40 more images from Spidey, Potter, Trains, World City and the cool new Make and Create - enjoy! (URL) (22 years ago, 20-Feb-03, to lugnet.year.2003, lugnet.announce, lugnet.harrypotter, lugnet.trains)
  Re: New LEGO photos from Toy Fair 2003
(...) It looks like the back edge of the display table showing through so I'm guessing a printed window in that frame. Pretty cool looking actually. John #388 (22 years ago, 17-Feb-03, to lugnet.year.2003, lugnet.harrypotter)

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