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Re: Another 2000 Rant
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 00:31:45 GMT
494 times
Well, I have to disagree on the Arctic part. Maybe those animals aren't being
rescued at all; maybe they are fossils or monsters frozen in the ice for eons
before being unearthed to wreck havoc among a small team of explorers.

I think Lego had given up on the 'theme' idea IE Space, Castle, etc. So now
they use just sub-themes such as Knight's Kingdom, Star Wars, etc.

RoboRiders - well I don't know about you, but I'm going to use them
as 'enemies' of the ThrowBots.

Star Wars - that's the year. The Star Wars sets this year rock, especially
that ATT (July>!). The Millenium Falcon looks okay; with the textures that
were missing from that pic on Huw's site. I'll buy it...I also like the
MTT...I hope it comes with a lot of droids.

Knight's Kingdom - those bad guys have some MEAN looking faces.

Soccer - is this some kind of a sick joke? What the hell is this supposed to

Adventurers - Dinos? Good idea, I say. I just hope we get to see some new
villains, possibly a female? Have you noticed how villains never survive? I
suppose Sam Sinister and Baron von Barron died at the hands of the Mummy and
that Rudo Villano and Senor Palomar died at the hands of the Aztec War Chief.
I guess the new villains will be eaten by dinosaurs.

Town - that overpass thing looks interesting. If the curves can line up with
normal streets, we could see some serious highways and overpasses; BIG cities,
you know what I mean? Hopefully we'll be able to buy them seperate someday. It
may not look like a lot of cool town sets are coming out, but you know how the
best town sets are saved for the Shop-at-Home Catalog!

Model Team - I am so not going to buy these.

Well, 2000...meh. Hopefully in 2001 we can see an Adventurers in ancient
Greece, huh?

Message is in Reply To:
  Another 2000 Rant
Ok, ok, I decided to give my .02 American dollars. Arctic: I don't get it. Why are they rescuing glowing green and orange scorpions and spiders from hunks of ice? The sets look halfway decent, though, and I already have tons of ideas of what I can (...) (25 years ago, 10-Nov-99, to lugnet.general)

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