Re: Spaceship animation is finished (sort of)
lugnet.general, lugnet.cad
Mon, 12 Jul 1999 16:49:56 GMT
1011 times
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"Tom McDonald" <> writes:
> IMO, it looks okay without the exhaust. Maybe you spent too much time
> trying make it look just right and got burnt out on it. It could be
> repulsor technology that lifts it up.
Yes, you are indeed quite right here. I did spend a lot of time trying
to get the exhaust right, and it probably isn't needed. There is no
exhaust when the ship accelerates forward (just the yellow glowing half
dome), so why should there be exhaust when it lifts up?
> All that other detail that was not included would have been cool
> too. I kinda wish the minifig was moving a bit, looking left and
> right, an arm move up and down a little.
But, hey, the minifig does move his head! He looks towards the camera
in the beginning, and then turns his head to look forward.
I, too, wanted to move his hands a bit, but I guess I got a bit put off
by the complexity of such a movement. The minifig's arm rotates at a
very odd angle, so animating it would have been quite hard. (Anybody
knows the "exact" angle, BTW?)
But then, I regard this as a pilot project. I wanted to try out the
possibilies of POV-Ray animation. As you all know, Technic LEGO is what
fancies me the most, but with no Technic figures available in LDraw, it
would have been odd to have a driverless moving car, say. So I whacked
up a space ship quickly to use in the project. (I don't so much enjoy
using original LEGO designs.)
Some time in the future, I may make an even larger and more complex
animation, but in the mean time, I hope this may have inspired other
people to make their own.
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Spaceship animation is finished (sort of)
| (...) IMO, it looks okay without the exhaust. Maybe you spent too much time trying make it look just right and got burnt out on it. It could be repulsor technology that lifts it up. All that other detail that was not included would have been cool (...) (26 years ago, 12-Jul-99, to lugnet.general, lugnet.cad)
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