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Re: Catalogue scans 1970-72
Sun, 11 Jul 1999 21:00:52 GMT
664 times
Thanks Mark - that'll certainly be interesting. But I'm fairly sure
what I can remember was something from the early seventies - and it was
a catalogue page with several sets laid out rather than one complete set
(I'm fairly certain of that because my Mum got me the fire station. It
was the biggest set I'd ever had though it's probably quite small in
comparison to a lot of today's sets. And I was only just starting to be
alive in 1965 :) )


If you can wait a little while, I'm hoping to receive an 810 Complete
Town Plan set from 1965 that sounds like what you are describing.

Fingers Crossed

Mark H.

Simon Robinson wrote:

Anyone know where I can find some decent scans of the
catalogues between 1970 and 1972?

I have some fond memories as a little kiddie of drooling
enviously over the town sets. I recall a page of town
buildings with a picture of a t-junction road layout - three
houses at the back and a big yellow fire station at the front right
- I'd love to see some of the pictures like that again.



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Catalogue scans 1970-72
If you can wait a little while, I'm hoping to receive an 810 Complete Town Plan set from 1965 that sounds like what you are describing. Fingers Crossed Mark H. (...) (26 years ago, 11-Jul-99, to lugnet.general)

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