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Re: How to rotate a part in LDD (Mac)?
Fri, 26 Aug 2005 18:39:02 GMT
1828 times
Joe Strout wrote:
In lugnet.general, Christopher Masi wrote:

However, I am going to be a bit annoying here (no surprise really). This
clinging-part thing is a bad metaphor because the "page up" and "page
down" keys don't work on the clinging part; they only work on a placed
part. Really, LDD should choose a metaphor and stick with it. Either
move the placed part or the clinging part, but don't switch from rule to
rule depending on how the part is to be moved.

Well, there's no reason they couldn't have it both ways; add keys to move the
pieces in X and Z after it's placed (in addition to the existing Y movement),
and also to rotate it.  Then you could move/rotate the piece while it's clinging
to the mouse, and also nudge it incrementally after it's placed.

– Joe

Oh yeah, have it work both ways would be fine with me too, and it
wouldn't confuse people who got use to the way it is now.


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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: How to rotate a part in LDD (Mac)?
(...) Well, there's no reason they couldn't have it both ways; add keys to move the pieces in X and Z after it's placed (in addition to the existing Y movement), and also to rotate it. Then you could move/rotate the piece while it's clinging to the (...) (20 years ago, 26-Aug-05, to lugnet.general, FTX)

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