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Re: Another questionable decision from lego...
Wed, 13 Oct 2004 18:53:09 GMT
1266 times
In lugnet.general, Ross Crawford wrote:
I've never heard of TLC asking people to remove pictures of movies
containing actual bricks, just their trade name. But I'm just guessing.

The two main justifications that I know of for the LEGO lawyers to get on your
case are:

1. Trademark infringement.  Sounds simple, but many people mistakenly think
they're okay, only to find out later that they're not.  Possible infringements
include, but are not limited to, using the word "LEGO" in the domain or name for
a website, or displaying the LEGO logo as a standalone image (you're allowed to
post photos of products or packaging that have the LEGO logo displayed on them,

2. Unauthorized spoilers.  Posting pics of upcoming products that have not been
cleared for public unveiling will likely get you pounced on faster than
trademark infringement, since you'll be much more likely to draw the attention
of the online community, which in turn means that they'll be much more likely to
discuss it where a LEGO rep will notice.  Again, people often mistakenly think
they're perfectly within their rights to do this, primarily based on the 1st
Amendment, but TLC owns the copyright on all of their product, and they are
allowed to prohibit anyone and everyone from publishing images of anything where
the copyright is still valid.

To date, I have not heard of any single instance of the LEGO lawyers clashing
with a website owner that have not directly involved one of those two
categories.  I've had a number of people point me to websites involving
LEGO-related material that I'm pretty sure TLC would not want to be associated
with, but none of them have ever been hassled about it that I can recall.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Another questionable decision from lego...
(...) Well not knowing any details, I'd suggest they probably asked for the word LEGO to be removed from the animations, and because that was too difficult the Tom guy probably decided to delete them instead. I've never heard of TLC asking people to (...) (20 years ago, 13-Oct-04, to lugnet.general)

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