| | Re: Event kit update and request for data James Trobaugh
| | (...) I don't know, we have a hard enough time getting our little 5x8 trailer in and out of some of the exhibit halls we do shows in. I'm guessing a 14' trailer would be quite a chore to manuver through a hall crowded with trucks and trailers. jt (21 years ago, 22-Jun-04, to lugnet.general)
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| |  | | Re: Event kit update and request for data Stephen F. Roberts
| | | | On 11:35 06/22/2004, James J. Trobaugh wrote (...) Not if you are not too concerned with the body count... --- wubwub aka stephen f roberts wildbrick.com - Jain's Guide : Promoting more than just the MOC (21 years ago, 22-Jun-04, to lugnet.general)
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| | | |  | | Trailers (was Re: Event kit update and request for data) Mike Walsh
| | | | | "Stephen F Roberts" <wubwub@wildlink.com> wrote in message news: [ ... snipped ... ] (...) in and (...) trailer (...) [ ... snipped ... ] This reminds me of our GATS 2003 set up. One of the vendors started yelling at me (...) (21 years ago, 22-Jun-04, to lugnet.general, lugnet.trains)
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| | | | |  | | Re: Trailers (was Re: Event kit update and request for data) James Trobaugh
| | | | | (...) Our trailer is 8' long, and it seems to hold our stuff pretty well. Since our tables are 40"x40" I'm able to fit all 18 that we currently have with ease, and when we finish the next 8 tables that we are building, there is no problem with room (...) (21 years ago, 22-Jun-04, to lugnet.trains)
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| |  | | Best trailer size (was Re: Event kit update and request for data Larry Pieniazek
| | | | (...) Are you sure it's not the driver that's the cause of the trouble? I've seen you drive, you know... Actually, your point is well taken. But most of the shows we do so far haven't had drive in access anyway, except for all the Novi shows we do. (...) (21 years ago, 22-Jun-04, to lugnet.general, lugnet.org)
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| | | |  | | Re: Best trailer size (was Re: Event kit update and request for data James Trobaugh
| | | | | (...) Good points. One of the considerations is what exactly do you plan on hauling in the trailer. We (NGLTC) keep just show related stuff (tables, plexiglass, track, play table stuff, skirts, misc.). All of the trains and MOCs don't go in the (...) (21 years ago, 22-Jun-04, to lugnet.org)
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| | | | |  | | Re: Best trailer size John Gerlach
| | | | | (...) Yes, wheels are your *friend*: (URL) Steve Demlow, Abner Finley, Conan Collopy) For this particular show Conan backed the trailer up to about 25 feet from where we set up the layout. It's not always that convenient, but with the wheeled racks (...) (21 years ago, 22-Jun-04, to lugnet.org)
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| |  | | Re: Event kit update and request for data Rob Hendrix
| | | | We (I) have had no trouble with a 16' trailer we rent for some shows. Just get there earlier than everyone else to set up! As for feedback on the event kits: Stickers and other handouts are always a big hit, but the book covers were often frowned (...) (21 years ago, 22-Jun-04, to lugnet.general)
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