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Re: GMLTC Teaser page
lugnet.trains, lugnet.general
Sun, 30 May 1999 03:55:29 GMT
82 times
John Matthews wrote in message ...
Am I missing something here?  I thought macs could write .gif, .tiff, etc.

I can't imagine there would be a need for someone to clean up the images • you

John Matthews

Larry Pieniazek <> wrote in message

John Matthews wrote:

Nice pictures.

As for the logo, you may want to save those images as .gif files.  The • .gif
format is much better for this type of graphic.  .jpg files are great • for
photographs and such, .gif is good for graphics that have wide expanses • of
one color due to the formats compression scheme.  You will find that • the
file size will be much smaller using a .gif format with three colors.


However what I'm looking for is for someone with a good set of tools to
grab the biggest one, reflood it with one red color, one white color,
and one black color, to fix the miscolored areas which are artifacts of
taking a mac format file, printing it, then scanning it as a way to
convert to jpg... Or better yet, someone to get John to send them the
files and convert them for me... it seems to be beyond John to send me
the originals in an intelligible format. :-)

Hey Larry,

I missed the early part of this conversation.  If you are looking for a very
good software package for putting together graphics on the cheap, Image
Ready by Adobe is great for the price.  It has some of the functionality of
Photoshop (not as many built-in filters, but accepts all filter plugins
Photoshop accepts) including importing directly from a scanner, image
editing capabilities, auto color/brightness/contrast adjustments that are
pretty good, manual color/brightness/contrast adjustments, color variations
and some limited image generating tools like paint bucket, brush, eraser,
marque,etc.  It's greatest strength is it lets you set the file conversion
and compression format for gifs and jpegs and view the results in a preview
mode.  If you have over compressed or under compressed you just reset the
compression.  It also tells you how big the compressed file will be while in
preview mode.  Also, you can create drag and drop macros for mass image
editing that is pretty quick.  Image Ready runs about $150 and I put
together all the graphics for the HLDC site and redid all the images on my
regular page using it.  It was the best money I have spent on software and
on a per image basis probably cost 50 cents per picture to buy.

On a side note, I had trouble navigating to the graphics you were talking
about.  Could you tell where they are again?

Matthew Verdier

"You can't just say you're King because some watery tart threw a sword at
Dennis, 700 AD

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: GMLTC Teaser page
(...) from the entry point - lego page - last item befor the boilerplate There are 3 logos on the page you get from taking that choice. (26 years ago, 30-May-99, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: GMLTC Teaser page
Am I missing something here? I thought macs could write .gif, .tiff, etc. I can't imagine there would be a need for someone to clean up the images you posted.... John Matthews Larry Pieniazek <> wrote in message (...) (26 years ago, 30-May-99, to lugnet.trains,, lugnet.general)

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