In lugnet.starwars, Kotaro Ono writes:
> Hello, guys.
> Here are some photographs taken by anonymity
> at last JAPAN-FAN-EVENT.
> http://sound.jp/lego/
> (Click "FAN DAY" banner)
> From the reason I mentioned before, there is
> I confirmed he has no photos about above sets,
> So DO NOT bother(send a mail or so on) him, please.
> But some of you may be iterested in those pics.
> (This is the reason why I cross-posted this subject.)
> Regards.
> EARL-0/Kotaro Ono
> http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?m=EARL-0
Deeper Link:
Hey guys,
Is it just me or is this stuff we haven't seen before? Maybe I've had my
head down in the trains group for too long, but there are some things here
I'm not familiar with:
#4099 Who are these mech-ish looking guys?
#4096 Looks like mini-scale construction vehicles -- similar to idea of Star
Wars Minis?
#3427 I'd never seen a full-court NBA set before, only minifigs...
Kotaro, am I right that the numbers on the price-cards are LEGO set numbers?
If this is all stuff that has been seen/known around LUGNET for a while now
just ignore me :)
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