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Problems uploading to Brickshelf
lugnet.general, lugnet.publish
Mon, 12 Aug 2002 15:15:00 GMT
1612 times

I'm on a Cable connection, using IE6 and Mozilla 1.0
All images are .jpg format at about 130kb max.

Uploading .jpg images to Brickshelf has been a pain for me for most of 2002
but now I'm having more problems than I have ever had.

I've been trying to upload images from 2 LUGCO meetings.
Uploading a zipped file stopped working for me months ago so I have to
upload each pic one at a time.  I was able to upload the first set of images
after about an hour.

Uploading the second set from the most recent meeting has been a nightmare.
After a full day of trying to upload 25 images over and over this is what I

Most images simply get stuck uploading forever.  I've tried deleting the
folder and deleting individual images and then re-uploading and nothing

Please tell me someone else has this problem.  The .zip file issue is bad
enough, but now I can't even upload 1 image at a time.

Any help or advice is *greatly* appreciated.

| The Shipyard -
| My Lego Creations -

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Problems uploading to Brickshelf
(...) When I do a reload on that folder, the following output is logged: dsc01908 jpg Premature end of JPEG file dsc01909 jpg Premature end of JPEG file dsc01913 jpg Premature end of JPEG file dsc01920 jpg dsc01921 jpg Premature end of JPEG file (...) (23 years ago, 12-Aug-02, to lugnet.publish)
  Re: Problems uploading to Brickshelf
I'm good to go. I disabled AdSubtract during the upload and there were no problems at all. AdSubtract has never given me any problems on other sites though so I never thought of it. But no problem, I'll just shut it off when I upload to Brickshelf (...) (23 years ago, 12-Aug-02, to lugnet.publish)

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