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Re: Am I crazy . . .
lugnet.year.2002, lugnet.general, lugnet.starwars
Mon, 31 Dec 2001 14:26:41 GMT
94 times
In lugnet.year.2002, Kevin Johnston writes:

I share your disappointment (actually I'd rate this is one of my biggest
disappointments with the SW theme), but since the model was approved by
Lucasfilm I doubt the color was overlooked.  Since they've made simliar
decisions in the past, my guess is that they simply decided that a primary
color set would sell better.

In my humble opinion the cloud car is rather spiffy actually.  It seemed to
scale with the the other starfighters and well constructed.  In any event in
the movies they seemed reddish to me anyway.  My eyes!  My eyes!  What's the
matter with them?  I like lobot (but wish they had a cloud car pilot).
Overall I think it was better than some of their other designs (at-st, yucko).

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Am I crazy . . .
(...) I share your disappointment (actually I'd rate this is one of my biggest disappointments with the SW theme), but since the model was approved by Lucasfilm I doubt the color was overlooked. Since they've made simliar decisions in the past, my (...) (23 years ago, 30-Dec-01, to lugnet.year.2002, lugnet.general, lugnet.starwars)

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