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Re: The Legend is alive - #10000 has been SHIPPED !
Sun, 8 Jul 2001 04:21:03 GMT
685 times
Nick & All,

quality control. I have seen some pretty bad things (Missing eyes on minifig
heads, smashed parts, etc.)

You're lucky. I've never got a head without eyes.

Well, at my former business venture, and my own collection, I must have seen
about 2000+ sets in the last year or so, so my percentage went way up than
most people's, so that is part of it.

The minifig head I was referring to was Padme, from either the MOs Espa
Podrace or Anakin's Podracer. Everything was there except the right eye,
totally gone.

My other favorite was a minifig, I think it was a smaller tain set, where it
looked like it got trapped in the mold or something, where the stud on the
top was so deformed, it is impossible to put a hat or hair on it. I have
that around somewhere, my collection is such a disaster right now, I cannot
say exactly where it is, I know it is in my "recent" piles. : )


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Legend is alive - #10000 has been SHIPPED !
(...) You're lucky. I've never got a head without eyes. NICK (24 years ago, 8-Jul-01, to lugnet.general)

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