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Re: The Legend is alive - #10000 has been SHIPPED !
Sat, 7 Jul 2001 13:56:21 GMT
685 times
Christian & All,

Am I the very first guy to be able to open that cool "new" set?

I have already scanned the box it comes in. A S@H exclusive one as expected.

Here it is:

I looked over your page, so they included two horses in that set? I guess
that can be considered a bonus, even if it is an Indian / Wild West style
horse, right? Thr original set had one horse, correct?

The quality / printing issues seem more apparant todaythen a few years ago.
My guess would be if they are making increased amounts of brick and less
quality control. I have seen some pretty bad things (Missing eyes on minifig
heads, smashed parts, etc.)

As for the new / old parts, I felt that they would do something along those
lnes. If they can make the same part with newer dies, with a little
different inards, go for it. Don't make a very expensive die (my estimates
are between $100,000 & $500,000 a pop) just for sentimental value.

Good summary, I hope they tighten up QA control.

Scott "Even I ordered one!" S.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Legend is alive - #10000 has been SHIPPED !
(...) You're lucky. I've never got a head without eyes. NICK (24 years ago, 8-Jul-01, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  The Legend is alive - #10000 has been SHIPPED !
Am I the very first guy to be able to open that cool "new" set? I have already scanned the box it comes in. A S@H exclusive one as expected. Here it is: (URL) the direct URL to the first image: (URL) Christian --- xTIAN.oO ---...--- Lugnet Member (...) (24 years ago, 7-Jul-01, to lugnet.general) ! 

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