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 General / 26826
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Re: I believe in GoodWill!
Fri, 19 Jan 2001 19:46:21 GMT
729 times
In article <>, Dan Boger  <> wrote:
two options - for the web interface, you can do <set: 5987>, and that will
link to the Guide entry.  for all other interfaces, just type in and let the client deal with it :)

I suspect the actual links get stripped out at least in part because
not everyone reads lugnet on the web-- one of the really uber-cool
genius things about lugnet is that it's accessible via email and
as a "usenet" style news server, as well, and at least from my end,
it's mostly seamless how it does it. But since it does things three
ways, I try to keep that in mind and aim for the lowest common
denominator; I usually do links like this:

because a) most more-modern MUAs, newsreaders, and web browsers "get it",
and treat it as if it were a link even if it doesn't have the A tag,
and b) if it's the only thing on the line, those of us who like our stone
knives and bear skins (or are stuck with them) can quicky "cut" (three-clicks
cuts a single line on most of the X servers I've played with) it to paste
into our browser of necessity, and c) the HTML tag doesn't clutter up the
screen for text mode people.

The <set:5987> thing is neat, too; I didn't know that existed. :) It's stuff
like that that makes me wonder if Todd ever actually has time to build
anything with his Lego any more...

J.D. Forinash                                     ,-.                            ( <
The more you learn, the better your luck gets.    `-'

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: I believe in GoodWill!
(...) just a neat trick I found with netscape on X, and not on an MS platform - if you have a link in your clipboard (you triple-clicked it or something), just click your middle button on the background in a netscape window (not on an image or (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jan-01, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: I believe in GoodWill!
(...) two options - for the web interface, you can do <set: 5987>, and that will link to the Guide entry. for all other interfaces, just type in (URL) and let the client deal with it :) (24 years ago, 19-Jan-01, to lugnet.general)

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