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Skate Park
Thu, 18 Jan 2001 01:19:00 GMT
570 times
Does anyone want to sell some CRAPPs?  I just got a great idea for one.  A
skate park!  Add in some rails and roof slopes, and throw in a fig on a 1x4
plate.  Speaking of which, does anyone else make lego skateboarders, or am I
just insane?

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Skate Park
I made one about a year ago. (URL) know Eric Brok (am i remembering this right?) had a skateboarder in his train station. I don't think making lego skaterboarders is insane. (...) (24 years ago, 18-Jan-01, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Skate Park
Here's my version of a minifig skateboard: (URL) from: (URL) Brok (24 years ago, 18-Jan-01, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Skate Park
(...) When I was much younger and skating was just becoming cool again (I guess this was about 1986 or 87) my friend and I built a great big skate park. At the time, the best we could do for a skateboard was a 2x4 plate, with two of the 2x2 plates (...) (24 years ago, 18-Jan-01, to lugnet.general)

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