Re: Who has the most Lego?
Sun, 7 Jan 2001 03:10:30 GMT
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In lugnet.general, Rose Regner writes:
> But doesn't he sell off the parts he doesn't want? I thought he mentioned
> that he sold the excess parts on Ebay.
Yes, Mike does a lot of Ebay selling. He does not have the most LEGO, but
he has moved a lot of it around. When I was at his place this summer he had
close to if not over 1000 of the 1200 piece tubs. Most of that was sorted
and used in the train layout to construct GMLTC-standard modules (those take
a long time, I helped him for a week on it -- we got 4-6 of em done, I
forget). his train modules (between 10 and 14) make up about half of
BayLTC's if I'm not mistaken.
AFAIK, Conan Calliope (sp?) is the one with the most reported brick,
somewhere around 2.2 million pieces. He _is_ the GMLTC layout.
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: Who has the most Lego?
| But doesn't he sell off the parts he doesn't want? I thought he mentioned that he sold the excess parts on Ebay. Rose Jennifer L. Boger wrote in message ... (...) set (...) (24 years ago, 7-Jan-01, to lugnet.general)
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