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Re: Minifigs w/ print on front and back
Fri, 8 Dec 2000 22:13:13 GMT
746 times
Some of the soccer guys had numbers on the back, and there was at least
one extreme team fig that had the big logo on the back and a small one
on the front...

Xcalabur wrote:

I just picked up <set:1354> today (great set for green parts and white
inverse 1x2 slopes, btw), and I noticed that the "Grip" minifig has print on
his front, and the back.  After some research I noticed that the
Stormtrooper has this, too.  My question:  Are there any more minifigs with
print on front and back?

Message is in Reply To:
  Minifigs w/ print on front and back
I just picked up <set:1354> today (great set for green parts and white inverse 1x2 slopes, btw), and I noticed that the "Grip" minifig has print on his front, and the back. After some research I noticed that the Stormtrooper has this, too. My (...) (23 years ago, 8-Dec-00, to lugnet.general)

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